

Prior to 9 BBY, Gulu was one of the first prospectors on Koboh looking for priorite though soon gave up after a lack of success owing to his absence of knowledge in the field and his dislike of being outdoors. Gulu and Gido met while both making fun at their fellow prospectors, specifically Rumsy Forlo whom Gulu nicknamed "Clumsy Rumsy" much to the delight of Gido. The pair started dating because they both disliked each other less than the rest of the prospectors.

Gulu thought about his early days on Koboh frequently, referring to them as the good old days. When he and Gido first settled in Rambler's Reach Outpost, he believed life was better then as the Outpost was mainly empty and there was nobody around to bother them. He also attributed the changes to the opening of Pyloon's Saloon, though he preferred the previous owner Abel Drongite to eventual proprietor Greez Dritus. He recalled that Drongite would let customers go hundreds of cycles without settling their tabs and would let patrons sleep on the floor if necessary.

He would regularly reminisce on what he had seen in the Outpost since he arrived. He remembered the first prospectors that arrived as well as the heatwave that melted Gido's membrane and the aphren swarm that are the town's food supply. He believed he and Gulu were the last of an old breed following Drongite's death at the hands of the Bedlam Raiders prior to 9 BBY.

At one point, he came face to face with a Mandalorian warrior and planned to tell her to bugger off, but only did so in his head to preserve his own safety. When Gulu retorted that he lacked courage, he reminded Gido that he fixed his roof in the rain thus proving his worth.

In 9 BBY they met the Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and the droid BD-1 outside Pyloon's. During the Jedi's time in the Outpost, they regaled him with their tales of derision regarding their fellow townsfolk. The pair were worried about the locals remaining cowardly, as they worried this attitude would lead to their demise and leave no one left for the pair to mock.

He was against the presence of the Bedlam Raiders on the planet, bemoaning that they always rooted though the scrapheaps on the Outpost. He later suggested that someone should start a town collective against the Empire following their increased presence on the planet and the appearance of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer above the planet. He posited the idea that they could disrupt Imperial communications channels and sabotage their supply lines. However, he quickly backed down from the idea after realizing it would require more effort than he was prepared to offer.

Despite the changes and Imperial occupation of Koboh, he admitted that he was too old and stuck in his ways to leave the planet.

Personality and traits

Gulu was often grumpy, and disliked most other beings. Together with Gido, he spent much of his time complaining and gossiping about other people. He compared mocking Turgle to drinking water and openly questioned why Caij Vanda wore her hat in public, stating it made her head look like a dinner plate. He also dismissed Tulakt's ability to tell fortunes and referred to Moran as a whiny slump.

Whilst Gulu was averse to forming friendships with most, he did attempt to make some friends during his time in the Outpost, but without any real luck. He recalled how Vork died as a result of a runaway landspeeder, Drillo died trying to ride a gorocco and Twakuhka was incinerated juggling thermal detonators, though Pi'tar left because he got a job off-world, however, he died soon after when his shuttle crashed.

Behind the scenes

Gulu first appeared in the 2023 video game Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. He is voiced in the game by Tommie Earl Jenkins.



