MA-13 first appeared as an unnamed droid in "Chapter 8: Redemption," the eighth episode of season one of the 2019 television series The Mandalorian, directed by Taika Waititi and released on Disney+ on December 27, 2019. Digital concept art for the droid was done by Ryan Church, based on an unused design by Matt Allsopp for an Erso homestead farm droid for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Church described it as a "Stygian R2 unit." The droid was subsequently identified in the form of an action figure released by Disney in 2021 as part of a set with three other droids from The Mandalorian as part of the Star Wars: Droid Factory toy line. Although "Chapter 8: Redemption" features MA-13's death, the graphic novel of season one depicts him surviving the events.
MA-13 first appeared as an unnamed droid in "Chapter 8: Redemption," the eighth episode of season one of the 2019 television series The Mandalorian, directed by Taika Waititi and released on Disney+ on December 27, 2019. Digital concept art for the droid was done by Ryan Church, based on an unused design by Matt Allsopp for an Erso homestead farm droid for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Church described it as a "Stygian R2 unit." The droid was subsequently identified in the form of an action figure released by Disney in 2021 as part of a set with three other droids from The Mandalorian as part of the Star Wars: Droid Factory toy line. Although "Chapter 8: Redemption" features MA-13's death, the graphic novel of season one depicts him surviving the events.
- Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian — "Legacy"
- Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian — "Cast"
- Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian — "Technology"
- Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian — "Practical"
- The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season One
- Star Wars: The Mandalorian - The Art & Imagery Collector's Edition, Volume Two
- Star Wars Galaxy of Sounds — "Beeps"