Off the Rails (episode)

Official description

Kai and the Jedi must stop Taborr's train heist.

The train heist

The episode opens with Lys Solay, Nubs, and Kai Brightstar using their Force powers to lift Tenoo tree root logs onto a large hovertrain. Surprised by their weight, Solay explains to Brightstar that Tenoo tree roots are durable construction material. Brightstar expresses delight about helping people build homes and riding a train to get there. After the train chimes, the three Jedi Initiates board. During the journey, they glimpse at Tenoo's flora and fauna, which includes winged avians.

The three younglings hear movement on the roof and exit the carriage to investigate. They find that Taborr Val Dorn and his associates Pord and EB-3 have landed on the train's automated front carriage. Val Dorn announces that he has come to take the logs back to Yarrum in order to impress the other pirates. Nubs and Solay voice their objections. Val Dorn tasks EB-3 with taking over the automated train while he and Pord deal with the Jedi. Pord attacks Solay and Nubs with her vibro-ax while Val Dorn faces off against Brightstar with his electrostaff.

Val Dorn knocks Brightstar to the ground. Brightstar retreats to the passenger carriage and engages Val Dorn in a lightsaber duel. While Solay and Nubs parry with Pord, EB-3 tinkers with the automated controls. Brightstar manages to knock Val Dorn's electrostaff out of his hand but the pirate retaliates and shoots Brightstar's lightsaber out of his hand using a stinger on his vambrace.

The two continue fighting outside the car. Brightstar manages to damage Val Dorn's vambrace. Val Dorn attempts to strike Brightstar in the head with his electrostaff but instead trikes the coupling with his weapon, separating the driver carriage from the rest of the train. Brightstar and Val Dorn are trapped on the second carriage while Solay, Pord and Nubs are trapped on the driver carriage. Pord attempts to reach for Val Dorn while Solay and Nubs try to reach for Brightstar but the driver carriage speeds ahead.


Left behind, Val Dorn blames Brightstar but the young Jedi counters that Val Dorn was trying to steal the train. Val Dorn responds that he was trying to steal the logs and attempts to contact EB-3 and Pord. However, Val Dorn's comm has been damaged and he blames Brightstar for damaging it with his lightsaber. Faced with a difficult situation, Brightstar decides to meditate in the Force. Val Dorn reacts with scorn and complains that pirates have to earn respect while Jedi automatically have people's respect.

Brightstar counters that stealing is no way of getting respect. Val Dorn asks Brightstar if he ever gets tired of following rules all the time and opines that being a pirate means not having to follow rules. He says that he does whatever he feels like. While Brightstar meditates, he feels the wind rustling and discovers a floor panel with two red and blue rectangular buttons. Brightstar discovers that these control a control lever, which would allow them to move the train carriage. Brightstar asks Val Dorn for help, and the pirate reluctantly obliges. When Val Dorn states that he hopes to get the logs faster to his gang, Brightstar counters that the logs are going to the people who need them. Despite their differences, they boys agree to work together to move the train.

Meanwhile, EB-3 is unable to contact Val Dorn but resolves to go back and rescue his leader. Solay disagrees and warns that tampering with the automated computer could cause a train crash. When Nubs asks about Brightstar, Solay reassures him that Kai will find a way to get back to them. EB-3 is determined to access the console but Solay and Nubs block their path. EB-3 and Pord draw a vibro-lance and vibro-ax, respectively. In response, Solay and Nubs draw their lightsabers.

Working together

Back on the second car, Val Dorn grumbles that manning the control lever is hard work. Brightstar blames Val Dorn for the situation, describing him as selfish. When Brightstar reveals that the logs are for building people's homes, Val Dorn expresses surprise and tells Brightstar that he is wrong to call him selfish without knowing about him. Brightstar counters that Val Dorn is a pirate who takes things that don't belong to him, which is inherently selfish. Val Dorn responds that the Jedi doesn't know everything and suggests finding a way to charge up the train carriage to make it go faster.

Val Dorn points to a nearby power station. Val Dorn jumps out of the carriage, giving Brightstar a fright. He safely lands on a bridge leading to the station. Val Dorn mocks Brightstar but misses his footing and almost falls over the edge. Brightstar uses his Force powers to levitate Val Dorn to safety. Val Dorn reluctantly thanks Brightstar and begins powering up the railway car. However, the sudden surge of energy causes the car to shake violently, threatening the logs. Val Dorn uses his grappling cable to wrap around the logs, securing most of them. However, one of the logs falls off and Brightstar on his own is unable to pull it to safety with his Force powers.

Val Dorn thinks they can afford to lose one log but Brightstar is determined to bring every log to the villagers. Brightstar's words have an effect on Val Dorn who uses his grappling cable to rappel down the train track bridge. As Brightstar rappels down with Val Dorn, he is forced to question his assumptions off the young pirate. Val Dorn responds that he is only there for himself. When Brightstar asks him to reconsider his life choices, Val Dorn replies that it is not as simple and that he has big plans for himself. Brightstar confides that his big plan is to become a Jedi Knight.

Val Dorn replies that maybe he wants to do something great as well. Brightstar suggests that Val Dorn has the potential to do good despite his bad life choices. He says that the only person stopping him is himself. The two boys work together to retrieve and secure the log. Brightstar thanks Val Dorn for his help. Val Dorn says that they are not out of the woods yet since they need to travel twice as fast in order to catch up with the others. Val Dorn adjusts the receiver coupling and tells Brightstar to press the button when the meter turns green. Val Dorn's plan works and the two board the rejuvenated train car and resume their journey.

As they approach the rest of the train, Solay and Nubs parry with EB-3 and Pord. The passengers on both trains realize that Kai and Taborr's train is coming in to fast. On the first train, EB-3 proposes that the four of them work together to slow the approaching train. Solay agrees and proposes that she and Nubs use the Force to slow down the second train while EB-3 and Pord use their strength to connect it. Putting their plan into action, Solay and Nubs use the Force to slow down the second train so that Pord and EB-3 do not their couplings.

Taborr's choices

The two groups celebrate their victory. However, Val Dorn and his gang quickly betray the Jedi. Val Dorn attacks Brightstar with his electrostaff while EB-3 and Pord lock Solay and Nubs inside the front carriage. While holding his electrostaff over Brightstar's head, Val Dorn thanks him for his "help" in obtaining the logs. Brightstar tells Val Dorn that he can choose to do good, sensing that he wants to do good. A conflicted Val Dorn replies that he wants to do what he wants but experiences a sudden change of heart. Deciding the logs are more trouble than they are worth, he spares Brightstar and tells his associates that they are leaving. After releasing Solay and Nubs, the three pirates leave on their repulsorcraft.

The three younglings eventually bring the logs to a village where the villagers begin using them in construction. Brightstar discusses his recent encounter with Taborr with his Jedi friends. First, Val Dorn helped him to retrieve the logs and then he decided not to take them. He says that is something that Val Dorn usually does not do. Nubs and Solay ponder on whether there is more to Taborr than they thought. Brightstar agrees before gazing at the train carriages. He and his friends then go to help the villagers. They approach Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna who waves to them.















