Rednax was created for the prequel trilogy film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, which was released on May 16, 2002. The animated character was a redressed version of the model created for Sebulba, a Dug character created for the 1999 prequel film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Work on the animated shots in Dex's Diner was completed between April and May, 2001, with the finalized renders then completed over the summer.
In the current Star Wars canon, Rednax's name was confirmed by Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hidalgo on Twitter on January 30, 2022. The names for the two diner Dugs originated in production as Rednax and Manoca, although a Legends databank entry for Dex's Diner, released by August 9, 2002, instead listed a Dug named Seboca as one of the patrons.
The first Legends source to use the name Rednax was a "Behind the Magic" article written by Rob Coleman and published in the sixty-third issue of Star Wars Insider magazine—published November 5, 2002— which identified the non-spotted Dug in the diner as Rednax and the other spotted Dug as Manoca. In later sources, the identities were then switched, with Rednax first identified as the spotted Dug in an Episode II Depth Commentary avaliable on that was accessible through the DVD-ROM home release of Attack of the Clones on November 12, 2002.
In the "Star Wars Q&A" section of Star Wars Insider 66, released on March 4, 2003, Leland Chee identified Seboca as a Dug seen earlier in the film that shared an almost identical model with the non-spotted diner Dug, but still identified the two diner dugs as Rednax and Manoca. In a blog post made on October 10, 2006, Chee then clarified that the spotted Dug at the diner was Rednax and the other was Seboca, who was also the Dug seen earlier in the film, leaving no character named Manoca, although it was later established to be a pseudonym used by Seboca in the Databank entry for Slyther Bushforb written by John Hazlett as part of the "What's The Story?" contest and published around March 27, 2008.
- Star Wars Galaxy of Sounds — "Beeps"