During the Clone Wars, SoroSuub's Sullustan Home Guard, led by Admiral Dua Ningo, threw its support behind the armed forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, as part of the Commerce Guild's arrangement, and was charged with defending both the Sullust sector and the company's interests. Following the conflict's end, SoroSuub associated itself with the Galactic Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire.
At the time of the Galactic Civil War, SoroSuub employed about half the population of Sullust. When SoroSuub began to support the Empire, one of its freighter pilots, Nien Nunb, stole from the company on behalf of the Rebellion. The corporation eventually switched their allegiance to the Rebel Alliance, renaming their Stormtrooper One blaster to the Freedom One in support.
The company notably produced the Luxury 3000 space yacht, the Petite Opu-Yacht, the V-35 Courier landspeeder, the Hush-98 comlink, the Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier, and the C1 personal comlink.