Tynnan (language)

Tynnan was a language spoken by Bazil, a member of the Tynnan species native to the planet Tynna. The human Yord Fandar learned the language as a Jedi Padawan. He considered the language more nuanced than Shyriiwook, a language spoken by Wookiees. In 132 BBY, the Jedi employed Bazil to help them track down the secluded Wookiee Jedi Kelnacca on the planet Khofar. The human Verosha Aniseya did not understand the language and asked if Fandar understood Bazil, to which he informed her of his Padawan learning. Later, as the group passed by dormant umbramoths, Bazil conveyed to the group in Tynnan that there was something wrong in the forest, which Fandar translated.

Tynnan appeared in "Day," the fourth episode of the first season of the live-action series The Acolyte, which premiered June 18, 2024. The language was identified in the subtitles of the episode.

Behind the scenes

Tynnan appeared in "Day," the fourth episode of the first season of the live-action series The Acolyte, which premiered June 18, 2024. The language was identified in the subtitles of the episode.






