A pilot served in the New Republic's Starfighter Corps during the Galactic Civil War. Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, they flew a T-65B X-wing starfighter in combat above the planet Var-Shaa, where they and their fellow freedom fighters destroyed the Galactic Empire's dockyard above the world. They were killed shortly after in a dogfight with Imperial ace Varko Grey in Var-Shaa's mountains.
The pilot appeared in "Hunted," a promotional short film for the game Star Wars: Squadrons that premiered on EA's Youtube page on September 14, 2020. A skin based on the pilot's X-wing, called the "Var-Shaa Hunter," is available to players of the game as a pre-order bonus.
The pilot appeared in "Hunted," a promotional short film for the game Star Wars: Squadrons that premiered on EA's Youtube page on September 14, 2020. A skin based on the pilot's X-wing, called the "Var-Shaa Hunter," is available to players of the game as a pre-order bonus.