Talk: Grunny

Response to information request

(Not sure if I am doing this formatting right) “He relaxed as he fell into the Force. Its touch comforted him, warmed him, steadied him.“ p 286 Crosscurrent I understand this as literally heating him up. SaintSirNicholas (talk) 17:56, 22 October 2021 (UTC)


Dear Grunny, While I am rather new to the Wookieepedia website, I have participated in a number of other wikis in the past. I am not looking for any "special statous", I am simply seeking to participate in Wookieepeida in a larger way. My credentials include the following:

Father ran all Star Wars movies at theater. Owner of original Star Wars Theatrical Posters & Relese books. Owner of Star Wars library totaling over 300 some books. Star Wars Fan

As I have stated before, I am not looking to be an administrator, as, after reading the various informational sources about it, it requires having worked on Wookieepedia for more than a years time, however, I do wish to participate more actively. I have, today, mainly worked on the cleanup of the website and unfortunetly, found a number of vandalized pages and pages that glorified Star Wars charachters that did not even exsist. As a result, I was wondering if there was any position lower than an administrator that I could use to deal with the vandalists or any position that I could use to better prevent such things. I have filled out you necessary questionarre, below, to better further why I would be apt to take on such a task.

Why do you want to become an administrator?

Well, I do not necessarily want to become an administrator in this case, however, I wish to take a more active role because I feel that the Star Wars Franchise, its subsidiaries and its work is worth sharing with the world, and I feel that I would benefit as well as others, from having a chance at sharing my knowledge with all. I also feel that it is important to uphold policies and would like to do so with such power.

In your opinion, what is the role of an administrator?

To serve, protect, edit and delete vandalized, invalid or potentially unwanted information from Wookieepedia. There purpose is to make Wookieepedia the best that it can be. In your view, do administrators hold a technical or political position?

In my view, a techinical position, if this were to be a political monopoly then where would all the fun go. There purpose is to utalize there knowledge of Star Wars and its franchise and use that to ensure that all information is canon and correct.

How do you feel admins should use their power/stand in comparison with other users?

I think it should be used sparingly. It should be used to protect and control, not delete and waste. It should only be used to make Wookieepedia better.

Have you been in any conflicts over editing in the past or do you feel other users have caused you stress? How have you dealt with it and how will you deal with it in the future?

I have not had any particular conflicts as I am realitively new. If I am to have a conflict, I would began by

Of your articles or contributions to Wookieepedia, are there any with which you are particularly pleased, and why?

I enjoyed editing the "Sadari Royal Palace" article, which I continue to edit with. I just thought it was a lot of fun. I viewed the same Clone Wars episode 7 times to get the information exact.

What sysop chores do you anticipate helping with?

Cleanup, in particular and regulating vandalisim. The law rules, of course!

How important is it for you to be involved in things such as CT, FA, GA, and other community-centered items that involve discussion and voting? Very important. Public Relations and the vote of the people are what make the people great. Without it, power will overtake the minds of all. And then what will we be, simply working to "Learn to use the dark side of the force"~Sideous

Do you think admins performing actions (I.e. deletions, blocks, etc.) for reasons not covered on policy should be sanctioned/punished? If so, how? Yes, if an administrator wastes or misuese there power, they do so deserve to be punished and in a way such as stripping them of there power for a certain period of time, if it is a serious offense, forever.

What is your policy, if any, of welcoming new users? Should you welcome a new user, do you look at his/her contributions beforehand? What about anonymous IPs?

Being a newer user myself, I feel that we should welcome them. What if George Lucas became a new user, would we welcome him, of course! I feel that if one has the drive and motivation to work hard and contribute well, then new users are great. However, anonymous IPs can be robots, but, if they make good contributions, well, thats ok to.

How would you react if someone undeleted an article you'd mistakenly speedied? Under what circumstances would you consider it appropriate to undelete an article mistakenly speedied by another administrator, if any, and how would you approach this task?

Firstly, I would respond and ask the other for a valid reason why it is deemed appropriate to be undeleted. Then, I would ask the fellow adminstrator why he deleted an article. Always ask before taking action.

How would you react if your user page was vandalized? Under what circumstances would you block the offender? Is there anything else that you would do in this situation?

I would be quite angry, however, it is important to maintain an air of professionalisim when in the workplace and I would simply request that the user in question be blocked, punished or removed.

Under what circumstances would you consider blocking an established user?

Vandalizing articles, misuse of policys, misuse of administrative power, disgracing Kyle Katarn.

If you could change any one thing about Wookieepedia, what would it be?

Make being able to take an active part(administrator, burecrat) more available and easier.

Would you look at a glass to be half-empty or half-full?

Half-Full, always.

Do you feel the current blocking policy is too restrictive, not restrictive enough, or OK as it is?

Not restrictive enough. Users who vandalize are not welcome in my book.

Have you ever considered becoming a regular visitor to the Wookieepedia IRC chat? How do you feel about people who already have some influence on other Star Wars communities (TheForce.Net, trying to change policies here?

In my opinion, the policy was established by Wookieepedia users. If the so called "stars" of other websites disaggree with it, they should tell us why and if the reasons are poor/falsified, then there should be no policy changes. I have considered becoming a regular visitor and plan to join soon.

How many clones do you think fought in the Clone Wars? (Note: You are wrong no matter what answer you give.)

The answer is insurmontable. So if I am wrong, so be it.

Who is the most awesome Jedi of all time? (Note: The only correct answer is Kyle Katarn.)

Well, Kyle Katran is quite cool, however, I favor Tera Sinube. His lessons of patience are quite true.

What's more important to you: consensus or policy?

Policy, if a policy was created, it is here for a reason.

Have you had any previous leadership experience (in your community, on the web, etc.)?

Yes, I have lead an FPS team, been team captain in a number of community events, run two wikis privately "Newhart Wiki" & The "Harvard Wiki"

What is your attitude towards users who have quit the site or have been banned, but still continue to attempt to influence the site in any way? If there reason for being blocked was valid, they should not be allowed to influence the site. If there reason was invalid, perhaps their case should be examined again.

What is your wiki philosophy? To always uphold policy, prevent vandalisim and preserve the truth.

Again, I ask that you consider this as a questioning as to weather or not I may take a more active role in Wookieepeida. I thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, --Lambgrams22 (talk) 22:18, February 17, 2013 (UTC)Lambegrams22--Lambgrams22 (talk) 22:18, February 17, 2013 (UTC)

Image CT

Hey, I wanted to notify you of changes made to the image CT; it has been overhauled following IRC discussion and now only deals with images in scroll boxes. Feel free to review the changed proposal and alter your vote if your opinion on the new issue is different. Thanks! Cade Calrayn 19:47, February 27, 2013 (UTC)

Next AC Meeting

Hey Grunny. Not sending this notice out to everyone because some others already signed up, but AC Meeting 56 is scheduled for March 23. Come in your favorite starship! CC7567 20:16, March 7, 2013 (UTC)

Lightsaber form infobox

Hey grunny, I have a question about bot assistance. In the lightsaber form infobox, I've removed the "notable" from the practitioner field to avoid any issues. I've recently removed "famous" from the species infobox because certain people, including myself, had issues dealing with who's famous and who isn't. This came about last year in the Mon Calamari article. The removal of "famous" was clean and didn't disrupt the infoboxes in the various species articles, but "notable" in the lightsaber form infobox does. So as for my question, could a bot go through every article and remove "notable" from the infobox? If you take a look at my edit here, you'll see that if I remove notable, that entire field disappears in the articles that contain the infobox. Thanks man, JangFett 19:35, March 8, 2013 (UTC)


Hello Grunny. I'm sure this isn't the best place to contact you, but I was recommended to send my message here. Everyone's saying you know a lot about templates, so I figured I'd ask if you could please help here. I've been trying to put the title of a page into italics, but it hasn't been working, and so I wondered if you had any suggestions. Thanks! -- Hunnie Bunn (talk)

Inq reviewing tutorial

Hey Grunny. As per discussion at Inq Meeting 56, I've started to write a draft for what will eventually become the Inquisitorius' tutorial guide for new reviewers. It can be accessed here. I haven't had as much time as I would like to work on it recently, so there are still some sections that have yet to be written, but I've started off with trying out some basic organization with the current sections. Please feel free to jump in, either by writing new stuff for the guide or commenting on/adjusting what's already there.

Every current member of the Inq will eventually have to approve the guide in its entirety, so getting involved with its development would be great, sooner rather than later. The talk page can be used to discuss ideas about organization, sectioning, content, you name it. Let me know if you have any questions, and your contributions are appreciated! CC7567 21:02, April 16, 2013 (UTC)

Correcting my mistake

Hey Grunny. A short while ago while doing some CA archiving I accidently archived this nom not realising that it still had an outstanding objection. The user who raised the objection is fine with it, but I've been told that a beauracrat will have to strike the objection. If you could do that it would be great. Thanks. Commander Code-8 11:00, April 17, 2013 (UTC)

Hello. When you have the time, could you create a gadget that simply imports this script (documentation)? This would be extremely useful for us, particularly on larger articles. Using the script, it took me less than 45 minutes to kill every duplicate link in Wedge Antilles, a task that would be next to impossible to do manually. The script as written only works in Monobook (as it adds a link to the toolbox in the sidebar, which Oasis does not have) and should be restricted to that skin. Thanks. 02:24, April 24, 2013 (UTC)

Template Preload

How did you do that? I cant seem to find the code anywhere. TechFilmer - Please reply on my talkpage 13:08, May 13, 2013 (UTC)

Inq 57 sauce

You are hereby invited to Inqmoot 57 and the Inquisitorius Post-Memorial Day cookout, scheduled for 00:00 June 2 UTC, or 20:00 June 1 Eastern time in the only country that matters, AMERICA. Bring your own meat, because I'm not sharing. Sharing is for Communists. -- Darth Culator 18:10, May 23, 2013 (UTC)

Could you double-check this for me?

I attempted a range block on an anon with a vendetta against Cav. I wanted to double-check to make sure I did it properly. Thanks. Trak Nar 10:37, May 31, 2013 (UTC)

recent edit to Wookieepedia:Naming policy

Hi, Grunny. Just FYI: for some reason, your change in response to the recent naming policy CT omitted the links and bolding that were part of the proposed text as set forth in the CT. (Perhaps you copy/pasted from the rendered page text rather than the page source?) I went ahead and fixed this on the policy page; I'm writing here to let you know why I made the change. Asithol (talk) 07:20, June 26, 2013 (UTC)

Timeline of media tweaks

So I'm trying to make the Timeline of media as user-friendly as possible, and one idea that was suggested a while ago was to replace the individual issues of a comic book storyline with one entry of the storyline itself. I don't really want to do this exactly because sometimes storylines are cut up with other media occuring within the same time period, and I also think that the Timeline of media should be as comprehensive as possible. That said, I thought of a few possible solutions to make reading easier and still keep the timeline comprehensive.

First, the storyline row could have a 'twisty' or button that toggles to display the issues in the storyline in rows below, which are hidden by default. I tried figuring something out with collapsible tables or hidden content, but couldn't figure out how to make it work within the Prettytable.

Or, there could be two classes in the table, say "comic" and "comic-issue", one of which is hidden by default. I tried looking at this, but couldn't figure out how to force a class to start out hidden.

I'd appreciate any help you could give me to figure out a way to do this. Tainb'ocu'chulainn (talk) 18:57, June 28, 2013 (UTC)

AC Meeting 59

You have been invited to a last minute pub crawl starting at the Mouthful of Otter on July 6. Grab a pint and a packet of nuts and settle in for a session. If you can't make it, we reserve the right to make fun of you in your absence and laugh at the notes you leave while downing shots and searching for a late night kebab shop. - Sir Cavalier of One 21:28, June 26, 2013 (UTC)


Hey, Grunny. I started going through the articles that contained the {{Tl|CUSWEID}} and removing them per the Mofference. However, I didn't know that there were so many articles that had it. :P Do you think there is any chance you could get a bot started on them? Thanks.—Cal Jedi 16:57, June 28, 2013 (UTC)

Usage of title on a different wiki

Hello, Grunny. I'm a bureaucrat of Ōkami wiki, which has recently created a copy of the template title here (full copyright information stated—no infringement intended), as well as the required JS. I used the template on an article, but it did not work: the title remained the same. I've viewed the usage of the template's parameter here, and saw no differences. The only technical specialist of the wiki is taking a wikibreak, so I am enlisting help here. Since you are the creator of the template, perhaps you can provide us the help needed, please? I would be sincerely grateful.

First EduCorps meeting

Hello, I am inviting you to the very first EduCorps IRC meeting, which will be held at 7 PM ET on Saturday August 31st. I am inviting all Inquisitors, AgriCorps members, and EduCorps members to a meeting in order to discuss the large amount of old comprehensive articles that are in need of maintenance. I would also like to discuss the possibility of increasing the responsibilities of EduCorps-only users due to the lack of reviewers on the Comprehensive article nominations page and CA review page. Please come join the discussion on this page if you wish to participate in the meeting. I encourage anyone who wants to contribute to add any articles with issues to the appropriate section on the page. Thank you for your time.--Exiled Jedi (Greetings) 03:59, August 18, 2013 (UTC)

Inq Meeting 59

Hey Grunny. Meeting 59 of the High Council of Inqusitors is scheduled for next week Saturday, September 21. Please make sure to leave notes if you cannot attend. Otherwise, see you there! CC7567 01:41, September 9, 2013 (UTC)

  • The meeting has been rescheduled for the following Saturday, the 28th, due to a conflict with the next EduCorps meeting. Apologies for any confusion. CC7567 20:14, September 9, 2013 (UTC)

EduCorps Meeting 2

You are invited to participate in EduCorps meeting 2, which is scheduled for 7 PM ET on Saturday, September 21st.--Exiled Jedi (Greetings) 14:13, September 12, 2013 (UTC)

AC Meeting 61

You have received a ticket for a front row on the future AC concert starting September 28th. Bring your guitar. If you can't make it to the karaoke session, please leave notes. - Winterz (talk) 00:15, September 14, 2013 (UTC)

A Request for Another Wiki

Hi! I'm El Alamein, and I'm not from around this Wiki, but I'd like your expertise nonetheless. My Wiki is the Deadliest Fiction Wiki, which creates fights to the death between characters of fiction - and one I plan to host is General Grievous vs. Lord Voldemort of Harry Potter fame. One of the biggest topics of debate concerning this fight is magic vs. lightsabers. Lightsabers have been proven capable of deflecting lasers from blaster rifles and also other lightsabers, so the question is whether or not Grievous could protect himself with his lightsabers from a spell shot from Voldemort's wand. I'd greatly appreciate it if you could shed some light on the mysterious properties that physically make up lightsabers in the Star Wars universe to better assist us in our analysis. Thank you for your time. El Alamein (talk) 22:53, September 16, 2013 (UTC)

Question about template:App on this Wiki

I have a question about template:App. There's a hide and show button used for the template. I want also using one for my Wiki. How can I use one for my Wiki?

Can you explain to me, how I should do that? --Station7 (talk) 21:08, September 19, 2013 (UTC)


  • Thanks for doing that, and for your kind words. I had already sent an email to Wikia; didn't realize that you had the power to remove user rights. Cheers, Atarumaster88 18:10, September 26, 2013 (UTC)

Meeting reminder

A reminder that Inq Meeting 59 will be in two days (if you go by ET, that's Saturday the 28th at 8 PM ET). If you can't make it, please remember to leave notes. Thanks. CC7567 02:33, September 27, 2013 (UTC)

Some CSS help

Hey Grunny. Recently I've noticed that the top row of action buttons on the Main Page is unclickable at least in some browsers (including Firefox), and several other users have also reported this. I found this fix, but it refuses to work for whatever reason. The strange thing is that the same fix works fine when applied in my personal Monobook.css. Any ideas? 1358 (Talk) 13:42, September 30, 2013 (UTC)

Table of Contents for list of Status Articles pages

Hi, I was wondering if you could give your input on the Senate Hall thread "Table of Contents requested for Status Articles pages" and let us know if you like the proposed Table of contents that was created by JangFett. If you want to see what it would look like, you can see it in this Table of Contents prototype page. Let us know what you think so we can implement this into the three pages (CA/GA/FA).--Richterbelmont10 18:29, October 7, 2013 (UTC)

AC Meeting 63

Meeting 63 is scheduled for December 9 at 9 PM UTC (4 PM Eastern). Make sure to leave notes if you can't attend. 1358 (Talk) 16:40, December 2, 2013 (UTC)

  • Actually, December 7. A Saturday like usual. Apologies. 1358(Talk) 16:49, December 2, 2013 (UTC)

Preload Help

Hi Grunny,

I'm an admin over at the IndieGameBundle wiki ( and I'm trying to implement your preload templates stuff as we really only a handful of page formats we use and they have lots of data to fill in. The piece I'm struggling with is how to get the preloads Dropdown to appear in the Editing sidebar. I see the code in MediaWiki:Wikia.js to do this, but when I add that to our site, nothing is showing up (I've also added the code in MediaWiki:Common.js which includes MediaWIki:Functions.js, as well as Template:Stdpreloads and created a couple Template:[MyTemplate]/preload files). If you wouldn't mind taking a peek at the site, any help you could offer would be much appreciated.

Also as a side question, what is the purpose of the custom preload pagename functionality? i.e. who would use this and how would they use it?

Redlenses () 23:23, December 8, 2013 (UTC)

AC Meeting 64

Meeting 64 is scheduled for January 18 at 9 PM UTC (4 PM Eastern). Make sure to leave notes if you can't attend. Winterz (talk) 17:34, December 27, 2013 (UTC)

Problem with Javascript

Hi, I'm the admin of the italian star wars wiki. As I asked CC7567 and Xd1358, I've some problems with my wiki. One of these, is that Template:Appearances isn't hideable. The second, that it isn't possible to add images into the Appearances. Could you help me? Thanks 06:02, January 24, 2014 (UTC)

199 IP vandals

Hey Grunny, those two IPs you just blocked, and, are actually proxies. Trip391 (talk) 16:58, January 27, 2014 (UTC)

AC meeting

Hey man, don't forget you're responsible for scheduling the next AC meeting. MasterFred 17:58, February 5, 2014 (UTC)

  • Hey, Grunny. Also reminding you that meeting schedule duty also includes updating the GA Random and History pages and clearing out the queue (bottom of this page), which still needs to be done. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 18:31, February 23, 2014 (UTC)

AC Meeting 66

All members of the AgriCorps are invited for tea and biscuits at Meeting 66 on March 29, 2014. Civilized talk and well manner debates are expected. Please leave apologies and notes if unable to drop in for a cuppa. - Sir Cavalier of One 23:21, March 16, 2014 (UTC)

About templates

Good day, (or evening or whatever), I was referred to you by Master Jonathan. I require the coding for certain templates on Wookieepedia for my test wiki, I asked this at the Senate Hall forum but the thread was deleted. Anyway, I already tried to copy some templates over, but whenever I tried to use them, instead of the template, it said "Template loop detected". Master Jonathan said it could be the CSS or JavaScript coding that I need and said you kept track of all that. If don't mind giving an old chap a hand, do you?-- MadMarek 09:50, March 22, 2014 (UTC)


Hey Grunny, could you come on IRC if you have time? I have something I need you for. :P 1358 (Talk) 11:14, March 29, 2014 (UTC)

Admin question

Hello, I'm an admin at a very popular wiki w:c:vampirediaries and we are dealing with a bunch of inactive and blocked users, and I remembered that Wookiepedia had a system to replace the profile and sub-userpages (my old user back here was user:DarthJenny and had a subpage user:DarthJenny/Obidala), now, I understand (if I'm not mistaken) that it was done through a bot, and we'd love to implement a system like that in our wiki so we can dispose of old files (used on profiles, subpages and blogs) that are taking up space in our wiki. I tried looking for how to install said bot in w:c:Community but no luck so far. Is there any chance you (or any of the other admins) could point me out where to get that bot and how to set it? You can either answer to me here or at w:c:vampirediaries:Message_Wall:Scarlett_Spike Thank you very much. Scarlett Spike (talk) 02:13, March 31, 2014 (UTC)

Template coding, ITS STILL NOT THERE!!!

Hey there Grunny, remember a while back I asked you to please go to this place and see what you could do about some CSS or Javascript coding for the templates I copied from Wookieepedia. The templates were, Knife infobox, Forumtable, Rt, and soon to be Title-shortcut. All are in the Template namespace. I'm just wondering if you're going to do anything about the coding, I've been waiting for over a month now! 10:32, April 12, 2014 (UTC)

Staff-->bureaucrat power ?

Haoy ! I was windering, do you staff have the power lf a bureaucrat?Emperor Jarjarkine Senate Hall

Help, please

Hello Grunny, I need help and if You can't help, can You point me to someone who can. I am editing Wookieepedia in Serbian and I did almost 900 pages but they all look pathetic. There are no templates (appearances, opening crawls...), infoboxes...and many other stuff that are on English version, German, Polish... It looks like someone who created page did not completed it or there is something else wrong. Can someone check it out because Wiki manuals and tutorials just won't work. Please note, I am not trying to replicate no one, I am just trying to make pages look nice and decent. Thanks for Your time. --Edenbeast666 (talk) 15:34, April 15, 2014 (UTC)

Still a problem

Hi there, sorry to bother you again, I did what you said, I copied the whole CSS coding page over, but all the templates have the same problem, I'm now not sure whats wrong with it all. Is there something I might have missed? 10:51, April 16, 2014 (UTC)


Hey Grunny !I've seen that in the preferences of wookieepdia, there is a gadget thing section. I've seen it too on Runescape Wiki. What is this special section ? Is it mediaWiki extension ?--Emperor Jarjarkine Senate Hall 15:59, April 22, 2014 (UTC)

  • Yep, it's a MediaWiki extension. You can read about it here. Cheers, 16:00, April 24, 2014 (UTC)

Hi again. ! I was wondering, did you already created a code?Emperor Jarjarkine Senate Hall


It seems that we have a new bot on Wookieepedia. It's about time that Cade copied his intelligence into a bot. :P Could you give that account the bot flag so that it doesn't flood recent changes like it's doing right now? I've spot-checked a few edits and they seem to be fine.

  • Hey, MJ, I discussed this with Tope, and I'm going through the Wookieepedia:Bots process to get the bot flag, even though it's only a proposed policy. This first few runs are just test runs; I'm shutting him down after the Battle of Corellia edits. CadeCalrayn 15:47, April 24, 2014 (UTC)

Hover-item images

Hey, Grunny. I'm not sure if anything's been done to image coding lately, but something has been done so that our hover-item functionality that we use for the Facebook & Twitter accounts is effectively broken. They were working a few weeks ago, but now in Oasis, when the icons are selected, instead of showing the blue Facebook image it gives a blank image. Looking at the HTML, for some reason the <image> tag isn't using the correct image as its src attribute—instead, there's a string of gibberish and the url's been moved to the data-src attribute. As this seems to be a Wikia-side issue, I was wondering if you could take a look; as it stands, the broken functionality affects most of our readers. Thanks. Cade Calrayn 01:09, June 9, 2014 (UTC)

  • Hey, Grunny, just pinging you again to see if you've seen my message. CadeCalrayn 20:05, June 19, 2014 (UTC)

Thank you

I would like to thank you for supporting my nomination for adminship.--Exiled Jedi (Greetings) 01:38, June 10, 2014 (UTC)

Preload feature

I'm attempting to add the "Standard preloads" feature to the site, but after some time trying to get it to work it only seems to appear when viewing the site with the MonoBook layout (the "Standard summaries" feature, however, will show up when using the Wikia layout). Is there something that I'm overlooking that I forgot to copy over to the site? -


Just a reminder that AC Meeting 69 is tomorrow at 4 ET. Hope you can make it. IFYLOFD 00:07, July 12, 2014 (UTC)

AC Meeting 70

AC Meeting 70 is scheduled for August 23. Please leave notes if you cannot attend. See you there. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 05:22, August 15, 2014 (UTC)

Hi Grunny, I made a template for 21B. This will be used for wikis that need content for that page, specifically We give you credit on every Star Wars thing. I hope you understand. Feel free to take it down if it's useless. AwesomeOrange89 (talk)

BG codes

Hey there Grunny, I'm wondering if you can help me by telling me what is the BG hex codes for the buttons here on Wookieepedia, if you know? Thanks. 12:26, October 7, 2014 (UTC)

Image License requirement

So I have the script that'll require a License to be set before an image can be uploaded when using the Special:Upload page, however, when someone uses the "Add a Photo" button that can be found on other pages (eg: Special:NewFiles) the License doesn't have to be set. Is there a way to fix this? - DarkNITE

AC Meeting 73

AC Meeting 73 is scheduled to November 22, I bid you to be thither or leave some humble notes! Mayhap I will fetch the ale. Grammarcy in advance, you are most kind. Winterz (talk) 18:29, November 6, 2014 (UTC)


Please send me my message regarding Zhaboka-- I want to be formally told that I no longer need to worry about being sent to the AgriCorps. :) ProfessorTofty (talk) 11:43, November 8, 2014 (UTC)

  • Oops, sorry, never mind. I see that's only for good and featured. ProfessorTofty (talk) 11:51, November 8, 2014 (UTC)

Hello, Grunny! Could you tell me why there are so big troubles with redirecting to , and ? Sightsaber (talk) 08:52, December 5, 2014 (UTC)

AC Meeting 76

AC Meeting 76 has been scheduled for February 21st at 4:00 PM ET. Please leave notes if you are unable to attend.--Exiled Jedi (Greetings) 23:34, February 13, 2015 (UTC)


Can i be a staff? --WikiaID () 04:15, April 15, 2015 (UTC)

AC Meeting 78

AC Meeting 78 is scheduled for April 25. Please leave notes if you cannot attend. c ya Winterz (talk) 02:37, April 19, 2015 (UTC)

Standard Edit Summary

Hi, I have noticed that in the Wikia skin d'es not work "Standard summaries",you couldn't fix it it. Link to working code (Wikia, Monobook). FANSG (talk) 07:13, April 21, 2015 (UTC)

Undo revision

Hello. Why did you revert my edit? 11:18, May 3, 2015 (UTC)

AC Meeting 79

Meeting 79 of the Agricorps has been scheduled for 6th of June at the normal time. Please leave notes if unable to attend. - Sir Cavalier of One 11:33, May 27, 2015 (UTC)

Hi Grunny,

As the Owner of the Star Wars Galactic defense Wikia, as a separate wikia to you, are we allowed to use information from infoboxes for different characters from the Star Wars Universe (so long as we reference you for the information).


Yoda04, SWGD wikia


Why on Wookieepedia there is no chat and there is no forum?? Mustafar29 (talk) 08:00, July 24, 2015 (UTC)

21:15, August 19, 2015 (UTC)


Hey Grunny, awhile ago you reviewed my nomination for EV-9D9 and listed an objection, which you struck when I had taken care of it. I was wondering, could you review the article again due to our dwindling reviewer base and if you would, vote in support of the article getting to GA status? Thanks! - AV-6R7 14:55, October 30, 2015 (UTC)

Updating information

First, this is a spoiler for The Force Awakens, but Kylo Ren's real name is Ben Solo. Which name should be the title of his page be? Thanks Macewindudoggy (talk) 15:32, December 18, 2015 (UTC)

User page edit override request

  • Dear Grunny. As you are likely now aware, I no longer possess administrative access to Wookieepedia and I am editing the wiki as an user for the first time since creating the wiki. As such I appear to be locked out from my own user page, which I need to update given these circumstances. I request your action to unlock my page from edits so that I may be able to work on it normally as I make a return to the wiki post-TFA release. Thank you for your time and assistance. -- Riffsyphon1024 03:30, December 20, 2015 (UTC)

i have a quit ion who would win in a fight cade skywalker or rey

7.1 New message

Hi Grunny,

Thanks again for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.

Eric Grundhauser Staff Writer | Atlas Obscura |

Re: Unknown Alien Encounters Orders deletion

Good catch! Undeleted; thanks. 1358 (Talk) 18:46, January 28, 2016 (UTC)

Star Wars: Obsession

Hello. Could we move Star Wars: Obsession in Timeline of Legends media from the end of the clone wars to between Star Wars: Republic: Dreadnaughts of Rendili and The Brink story from Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 4. Because Padme ses Anakin's scar for the first time. I now Count Dooku betrayder Asajj Ventress, but we could say, Dooku not betrayed her.

Sup Grunny,

I'm a student in need of your help, I'm from New Zealand and I'm quite the fan of Star Wars as well. But I'm desperate to know what planets were destroyed by the Starkiller Base in 'The Force Awakens', for my Media Studies assessment.

I hope you can reply soon if you are not busy, thanks for your time.

Troy "Buttsoup" Barnes 22:44, May 4, 2016 (UTC)

Complete SW Encyclopedia on Force Powers

Hello Grunny! I was looking into the article Force barrier as there remains some confusion between Force barrier, Force shield/armor/protection, and protection bubble. I wanted to ask if you have a copy of The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, as I noticed that you referred to it years ago in your comment on the talk page.

If you do, can you check for the capitalization of the Force power names there? There is a consistent inconsistency (lol) throughout various sources on the proper capitalization of Force powers, and it seriously bothers me as there is simply no grammatical consistency on this wiki on the matter. Force lightning vs. Force Lightning, Force barrier vs. Force Barrier, etc. I wanted to check which the The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia uses for its Force powers since I'm assuming it's one of the more authoritative sources. Thank you! Sol Pacificus 06:56, October 12, 2016 (UTC)

Greetings. I have a little predicament. I do not know how to save an uploaded image. It is an image I took, in the star Wars Republic Commando Unreal Editor, of the Geonosis Pinnacle Ship. I also don't know how I should copyright it. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. P.S., you can see the pic here for now. Thank you. --Cc1046 (talk) 19:27, November 12, 2016 (UTC)

New Stub Banner


I have made a design for the Stub banner that resembles the other article headers, (has a Star Wars quote with a picture). This one says, "More is happening, I feel, than has been revealed." and has a picture of Yoda. Here is the Source Code for the banner:

{{iumb |id = Stub |bg = #B5A67D |image = [[File:YodaMoreIsHappening.jpg|90px]] |caption = More is happening, I feel, than has been revealed. |message = This article is a [[Wookieepedia:Stub|stub]]. You can help Wookieepedia by [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} expanding it]. }}

Would this be acceptable to replace the current one? Thank you, Superalpha1

Helmet Collection

Hello Grunny! :-) I see that you've started to create articles about the Star Wars Helmet Collection, whose first issue was apparently released this month. I'm a little curious, actually. I know this parlor game is annoying but, are we sure this collection is canon? :$ If memory serves me right, this is the second version of a magazine that was first published in 2015(?), so I have my doubts that it's being vetted by the Story Group. What do you think? -- 15:43, March 14, 2017 (UTC)

Cad Bane

Dear Grunny, the second image, the Bane holds the stolen holocron image, on the Cad Bane page clashes with infobox and I can not edit it please help.--Robertg27 (talk) 00:51, May 9, 2017 (UTC)

Adopting the Firefly and Serenity Database

Hello I have requested to adopt here is the request I made and the forum post I made about it It was recommended that I ask you for the admin rights directly. I also left this message on your Firefly talk page but I wan not sure if would get a response there, so I left it here too. Chalet () 16:11, May 27, 2017 (UTC)

Having an issue making new pages

Hello! Sorry to bother you but I'm a new user having some difficulties and figured I could come here to seek help. I recently completed the Thrawn novel and figured I could use that newly acquired knowledge to help with the redlinks on Thrawn's page, characters and places and events and the like. But it's not working for some reason? I tried to create pages for H'sishi and Scarn (spice) but both times I had the article all written out and when I tried to submit it I got an error message that read "The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension hook". I've compared my articles with published pages and I can't quite find the issue. I was wondering if you could advise me on what triggers this error message. Thanks in advance! --UmbraWitchAlraune (talk) 04:13, May 30, 2017 (UTC)

I have been trying to put back up a page that the site took down about me, James McBryde. I was an unnamed extra in Episode II and played Ulfor Bombaasa in Episode III. Previously, the Ulfor Bombaasa page linked to me but again that has been taken down. If you check out my business website a you can compare my photos on the About Us section to confirm that I am the same person in the Ulfor Bombaasa photos. I have tried to follow your rules to the best of my ability while trying to update the previous page and am still getting the DEATH TO MICROSOFT PUNCTUATION response. Is there any chance you can help me with this? I am trying to include the following information: {{Top|real}} James McBryde "Rick McCallum had invited me to be an extra in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. I appeared as an unnamed extra in the diner scene in Episode II which was shot at Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia in 2000. Rick then invited me back to be an extra in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. I appeared in the opera stairway scene which was shot as part of the pickups at Shepperton Studios in London in 2004. In Episode II, I am visible in the booth all dressed in black while Dexter Jettster is walking toward Obi-Wan Kenobi. In Episode III, you can clearly see me walking up the stairway of the Galaxy Opera House while Anakin Skywalker runs up the stairs to his meeting with Chancellor Palpatine."―James McBryde James McBryde (born 1950) is an American economic development professional and former Michigan legislator who appeared as an unnamed extra in Attack of the Clones and played Ulfor Bombaasa in Revenge of the Sith. Biography As President and CEO of the Middle Michigan Development Corporation (MMDC), James McBryde is responsible for the strategic vision, organization and economic development outcomes for Clare and Isabella counties. McBryde was first elected to the Michigan House of Representatives in 1990 and served eight years before retiring due to term limits. He served on the House Appropriations Committee as Chair of the State Police and Military Affairs Subcommittee and Vice Chair of the Higher Education Subcommittee. Prior to joining the MMDC, McBryde served as Vice President and Senior Advisor for the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) where he worked on key state and federal initiatives and the passage of the annual budget. Before joining the MEDC, McBryde also served as the Interim Chair for the Michigan Liquor Control Commission and as Special Assistant for the Michigan Department of Community Health. McBryde received his bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Central Michigan University. Jim and his wife Kim have been married since 1987. They live in Mount Pleasant and have four wonderful daughters. James McBryde has received the following honors: "Central Michigan University Centennial Award", as one of their most distinguished alumni of their first 100 years in 1992. "Legislator of the Year" by the Michigan Sheriffs Association in 1994. "Merit Service Award" by the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe in 1995. "Legislative Star Award" by the Michigan Deputy Sheriffs Association in 1994 and 1996. "Distinguished Service Award" by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation in 2008. Filmography Year Title Role 2005 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith Ulfor Bombaasa 2002 Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones Unnamed Extra Bibliography Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars (First identified as Ulfor Bombaasa) Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia External links Business Website James McBryde on Facebook Biographical information Born 1950 Santa Monica, California Nationality American Career Occupation Economic Development Professional and Former Michigan Legislator Star Wars work Episode II Episode III Official site --James99th (talk) 21:11, June 1, 2017 (UTC)


Hi Grunny, it appears {{Top}} is no longer showing up in the Wikia skin as a result of an apparently recent Wikia update. Could you have a look? 1358 (Talk) 22:10, June 4, 2017 (UTC)

Era icons

Hi there,

Over on Casualty Wiki, we used the eraicon template to generate our own icons in the top-right corner which worked a treat - until the new header came in. I see that you've been able to get them to appear at the top of each page now alongside the new header. On Casualty Wiki, they just now generate at the bottom right hand corner of each article, sometimes obscuring content space.

I was looking back through revisions of pages which affect the era icon templates and saw that you made an edit to MediaWiki:Wikia.js and summarised the edit as correcting the icons to work with the new header. I've made those changes over on Casualty Wiki and the js is live, but the icons are still displaying at the bottom.

If you could help that would be absolutely great!

A link to Casualty Wiki's js.

- Titan95 07:21, June 14, 2017 (UTC)

Grunny, the layout guide is outdated as you do not need the word right to make the image be on the right side of the page and DarthRuiz30 will not let up, please change layout guide to reflect that.--Rgilbert27 (talk) 18:57, August 6, 2017 (UTC)


Hey Grunny, I don't suppose you know Lua? {{Top}} needs to be modified and nobody else seems to be familiar with Lua. 1358 (Talk) 22:25, August 14, 2017 (UTC)

Eras Lego heading

Hi Grunny,

Thank you very much for creating the Eras LEGO heading (type=lego) for the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures. It was long overdue. Just a suggestion, I noticed that the current redirects to Category:The Freemaker Adventures articles which has not yet been created. I was wondering if you redirect the heading to a Category:LEGO Star Wars articles instead? The Freemaker Adventures are not the only LEGO Star Wars products. There would be Jek-14 and Jek-14's stealth starfighter from LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles for example. Should we apply the LEGO heading on other LEGO Star was products like the Yoda Chronicles, Droid Tales, and LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises? Since you created the Eras LEGO heading, I thought you would be the best person to sort this out. Kind regards. Andykatib 01:37, September 15, 2017 (UTC)

  • Hi Grunny, don't worry. I have managed to modify the Module:Eras page to reflect the whole LEGO Star Wars continuity. Kind regards. Andykatib 01:55, September 15, 2017 (UTC)

JS question

Hey Grunny, another request... I recently (as in months ago) adapted your diffWook.js script for my personal use. My version is located on w:c:ecks:MediaWiki:DiffWook.js. Any idea why it might not be working? I can't recall it working at all since I switched it, but I never got around to figuring out why. Cheers, 1358 (Talk) 18:25, September 19, 2017 (UTC)

Wilhuff Tarkin Behind the scenes section

Hi Darth Culator. I can't add this into Wilhuff Tarkin's Behind the scenes section: During the early development of ''Revenge of the Sith'', [[George Lucas]] wanted to use stock footage with CGI to 'resurrect' Cushing for one of the final scenes of the film. Concept artist [[Iain McCaig]] suggested using unused footage from ''A New Hope'' and digitally animating Cushing's lips to match his new planned dialogue,<ref>''[[The Making of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith]]''</ref> and also created the only concept art image for the character, which Lucas himself approved.<ref>''[[The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith]]''</ref> Animation director [[Rob Coleman]] even spoke with [[Christopher Lee]], [[Dooku]]'s portrayer and a close friend of Cushing, about the possibility of using a digital model of Cushing. However, Lucas later decided that the stock footage wasn't good enough to be used, in addition to the fact that the scene in question required a full-body appearance of Tarkin, but as Cushing recorded his scenes in ''A New Hope'' with slippers instead of boots there were none available. Ultimately, [[Wayne Pygram]] was cast as Tarkin in a nonspeaking role, because he shared an uncanny resemblance with Cushing.<ref name="10 things">{{Cite web|url=|title=10 Things You May Not Know About STAR WARS: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith|work=Warped Factor|date=2015-12-13|accessdate=2015-13-12}}</ref> For ''[[Rogue One: A Star Wars Story]]'', groundbreaking CGI and digitally altered archive footage was used to digitally insert Peter Cushing's likeness from the original movie over the body of actor [[Guy Henry]]. Cushing's family were heavily involved with the creation and had input right down to "small, subtle adjustments."<ref name="Guardian">{{Cite web|url=|title=Star Wars: Rogue One 'to resurrect Peter Cushing via CGI', despite slipper issues|work=The Guardian|date=2015-08-24|accessdate=2015-08-24}}</ref><ref name="EW">{{Cite web|url=|title=Star Wars: Rogue One: Peter Cushing back as Tarkin?|work=Entertainment Weekly|date=2015-08-24|accessdate=2015-08-24}}</ref> However, even although both [[Industrial Light & Magic]] and [[Lucasfilm Ltd.]] knew that they would 'ressurect' Cushing via CGI, there were made back-up plans in case that the stock footage didn't serve. Had Cushing would have not appeared in the film, Tarkin's lines would have been relegated to other characters or potentially having Tarkin appearing in a [[Hologram]].<ref>[ Lucasfilm Had Back-Up Plans If The CGI Grand Moff Tarkin Didn’t Work in ‘Rogue One’] at [ /Film]</ref>

Did you know why I can put it? The Wookieepedia says that I am saying "DEATH TO MICROSOFT PUNCTUATION!".

Cross wiki consult

Hello, I am an admin on another wiki in Fandom and was hoping to get your input on an issue regarding our wiki's media. We are sporadically having official artwork and game sprites from the Megaten franchise deleted, in short for depicting female breasts in the images. This confuses me, as per the main image of the Breast, as it is my understanding that the image is allowed by Wikia, and can stay on that page. Would you be able to point me to any discussion with Wikia staff that has taken place regarding that image, so that I can cite it should the issue come up again in discussion on our wiki? Great Mara (talk) 12:22, October 28, 2017 (UTC)

Lewisr for administrator

Hi, I'd like to nominate Lewisr for administrator. I don't know how to do it. Cheetawolfnitrotyper (talk) 17:47, February 16, 2018 (UTC)


Hello Grunny, I'm Raymond I just wanted to inform that this image is still marked with the Imr template, I saw that you deleted multiple revisions of another image the other another day. Could you help? Raymond. --RaymondAM45 (talk) 07:00, February 23, 2018 (UTC)

Former status icons

Hello Grunny, recently I have been implementing your new status icons into templates. I was wondering if you would be able to upload a larger version of the former status icons (File:Premium-FormerCAIcon.png) so I could put them on templates like FormerCA. Thanks!—Tommy-Macaroni 19:46, March 1, 2018 (UTC)


Hi Grunny, Forum:SH:NOTOC usage indicates that there's consensus on placing a switch into {{Top}} and I'm wondering if you could see if it's technically possible to do this before I start proposing an LG amendment. Cheers, 1358 (Talk) 19:25, March 14, 2018 (UTC)

Surik's band of arms

Hey, I got carried away and did this which might be more than you asked so all input welcome. –  08:49, March 22, 2018 (UTC)

hello I just wanted to know if you could add this video to the Imperial tie fighter page

Categorization of articles via Eras

Hi! Since you seem to display at least some knowledge of Lua, which is not something I can claim to have, I hoped you might be able to help me out a bit with Module:Eras. I was somewhat bothered by the situation on this article, which, despite only being categorized as a Legends article and not having any in-universe categorization, didn't show up in either Special:UncategorizedPages or Category:Categoryless. Do you think it would be possible to update Eras with that functionality? Imperators II 19:57, April 19, 2018 (UTC)


Hi, Grunny. Do you reckon this FA needs an update? Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 16:52, May 1, 2018 (UTC)

Hi Grunny! Could I bother you to please add backup links to your status articles? Thanks! Imperators II 05:45, May 5, 2018 (UTC)

Hello i would like to talk abaut my "Wiki" It was like Copy and Paste i know but i edition that because its hard for me make a selection like in there.. so i have for example tuturial. If there is option for make it without any problems ?

Emperor's palace office location

I had planned on creating a page for the office the Emperor has in Darth Vader 1 and Darth Vader 16 but apparently this office is located in the Jedi Council Chamber according to Tarkin. I do not think this is so and that the office shown in the comics is located elsewhere in the Imperial Palace.

In Darth Vader 1, access to the office is by turbolift which opens onto an observation gallery which is similar to the one located in the throne room on the second Death Star and does not match the lift access that was seen, abit briefly in Attack of the Clones then later in Revenge of the Sith. The council chamber is a relative small chamber and the office shown in the comics could not possibly fit in there with the way it layouts. These is, I believe, supported by the cross section of the tower shown in Star Wars: Complete Locations. Also, the tile design on the floor are not the same as seen in the council chamber.

As they are no detailed accounts of how Palpatine redesigned the council chamber into his private office so based on what is shown in the comics and film, I really don't see how the two offices are the same. Would it be alright to change the list of Appearances to reflect this then?--Professor Ambrius (talk) 21:33, July 16, 2018 (UTC)

WotM 2.0

Congratulations on winning the Wookieepedian of the Month award for the second time! Imperators II 12:54, August 1, 2018 (UTC)

Lua help

Hey Grunny, belated congratulations on being WotM once again. I was wondering if you'd be able to take a look at Forum:SH:Bug in Quote template on mobile -- I don't know if anyone on the site knows Lua aside from you. 1358 (Talk) 15:07, August 6, 2018 (UTC)


Hey there! You were listed as one of the participants of Wookieepedia:WookieeProject The Old Republic before it went down, and are currently among the non-inactive users who I have not removed from the list. I have recently become the project's new leader, in an attempt to revitalize it with a focus on KOTFE and KOTET content in preparation for the supposed update, and am informing all members.


Fan26 () 13:01, September 23, 2018 (UTC)

Official Friend Request

Hello, I'm an admin of the Villains Wiki, and I'd like it to become an official friend/affiliate of this one. I did make a Nomination on the proper page, but I don't think anyone here sees that page? Anyway, sorry if I'm being pushy or anything, and have a good day! Welcome to your doom! 18:08, September 28, 2018 (UTC)

Help With Tabs

Hello, My name is Schroeswald and I am an admin of the w:c:wicked:Wicked Wiki and we have decided to institute a tabbed system similar to yours. We have began the seperation with a placeholder system but it is not perfect. I have been guided from Toprawa and Ralltiir to the Senate Hall to you where I was told that you could help us with the Lua that creates the tabs so I would like to ask you to help us with creating the tabs.Schroeswald (talk) 00:45, October 11, 2018 (UTC)

Hi! This is 123Dip from The Ninjago Fanon Wiki. I am creating an imaginary story on the wiki which will be a crossover of the Star Wars Universe and the Ninjago Universe. I am actually a huge fan of Star Wars and I really want to write this story. I just wanted to take permision that whether I could use some content of the Wookieepedia. Please respond! --123Dip () 08:42, October 23, 2018 (UTC) 123Dip of Ninjago Fanon Wiki.


Hi Grunny, do you mind joining IRC for a bit? 1358 (Talk) 00:48, January 12, 2019 (UTC)


We seem to have broken the Main Page trying to remove the Official Friends template. If you're around, can you pop in and see if you can fix it? Thanks. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 05:19, January 12, 2019 (UTC)


Hi Grunny,I noticed a while back that redlinks were no longer clickable links in the RC. I filed a support ticket about this and was pointed to the fact that we're running an old version of AjaxRC. It was further recommended that we remove the old code from Common.js and use ImportJS for the dev version. I figured I'd delegate this task to you since I'm no JS wizard and I'm not sure if our AjaxRC has some sort of custom settings that would need to be transferred to the new version. Cheers, 1358 (Talk) 21:15, April 4, 2019 (UTC)

Thank You

I wasn't sure how long I had before it was time to leave, the user you blocked committed vandalism several times on our articles. Just wanted to say thank you, I did my best to keep the articles the same in this edit-war conflict. Thanks again, and May The Force Be With You! --Supreme Commander Raxus (talk) 15:31, April 9, 2019 (UTC)User:SupremeCommanderRaxus

Wiki Manager

Hello! My name is Playsonic2, and I’m the Fandom Wiki Manager for Wookieepedia - just wanted to introduce myself. I am here to help the community and be a liaison to full-time Fandom staff - a group you may have a certain level of familiarity with! If there are any issues I can be helpful with, I'm available in my talk page. ~Playsonic2 09:22, May 20, 2019 (UTC)

Canon comics proposal change

Hey, Grunny! Just a quick heads up that I've made a small change to Forum:CT:Naming policy: Canon comic books. The change specifies that parenthetical descriptors will refer to the issues publication year rather than the series', and the corresponding links were also changed. If you could review the changes to make sure you're still in support, I'd appreciate it. Thanks! - Cwedin 21:24, October 19, 2019 (UTC)

  • A second vote has been added to the CT, and it will determine how to disambiguate competing titles. Please take a look when you have a chance! - Cwedin 02:45, October 21, 2019 (UTC)

Activity requirements

Hey Grunny, I just wanted to let you know that your edits are nearly below the threshold for removal of your Bureaucrat rights. WP:A states "Bureaucrats must make at least 500 total edits combined in the mainspace, Wookieepedia:, File:, MediaWiki:, Template:, and Category: namespaces in any six-month span, excepting prior explanation of inactivity." Currently, your last 500 edits span from Jan 27, 2020 to August 21, 2019. I just wanted to let you know of this, so you have a chance to up your edits and retain your rights. Tommy Macaroni 21:03, February 18, 2020 (UTC)

Twin ion engines, a few comments

Hi Grunny. Yesterday I tried to create an account on Wookieepedia and failed (I don't know why, the final button simply doens't react). Then I tried to drop a message here, on your talk page, but my text was rejected because of one or more URLs I've introduced on it.

My points are the following:

1 - On your articles (Canon and Legends) about Darth Vader's TIE fighter, there's no mention of the fact that Vader's TIE is equipped with four engines. It is called a twin ion engine fighter but, factually, possesses four engines, not two. And this is clearly visible in episode IV which is the film where the fighter makes its appearance. I produced a screenshot of the direct rear view of Vader's TIE, but I don't know how to share it with you if the URL is refused here in Wookieepedia.

2 - "TIEx1_egvv.jpg" = This drawing (most likely extracted from the early 1990s "Technical Journals") wrongly spots the engines location on the fighter.

3 - "Twin-Ion-Engine-TFOWM.png" = This is a 3D technical drawing of a classic TIE (two engines then, which is correct on this specific drawing). Items 3 and 4 on the drawing designate an exhaust grid, but in the films, inner views of TIE cockpits show that this is a transparent porthole.

All of this should be fixed on Wookieepedia or, at least, debated.

Kind regards,

Kintaro, Star Wars fan. 19:16, April 3, 2020 (UTC)

Jedi archaeologist/Canon

Good day! Should you make canonical article for Jedi archaeologist? I made it, but have no proofs. Was Eno Cordova one of them or not? Russian article about him in "Archaeologists" & "Jedi Masters" categories for now. Zawatsky (talk) 16:59, April 5, 2020 (UTC)

7.1 New message (Urgent)


They are Griffenstar, Hero, Otha and JamFox, among other users, starting from The Original Characters Wiki, continuing on Community Central, PAW Patrol Wiki, Winds of Fire, Disney etc. Take heed and neutralize. Elder Pleasure (talk) 00:38, May 19, 2020 (UTC)


Hi Grunny, I sent an email on the admin mailing list on July 5. Have you had a chance to read it? Almost all other admins have tended to the issue. Cheers, 1358 (Talk) 21:03, July 9, 2020 (UTC)

Request to restore deleted file

Hey there Grunny. I'd like to request that you restore File:OWK SWFB.png. I wasn't aware it was no longer in use. I'd like to use it for the Obi-Wan Kenobi/Legends infobox. There is no reason we have to use the same image in both the Canon and Legends page for him. I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, I have to scroll back to try and find the Star Wars facebook post from 2012 to get the source to re-upload it, and I really would like to not have to do that. LOL Thanks. - JMAS 03:35, August 22, 2020 (UTC)

  • Nevermind. Tope was able to find me the info from the deleted page. I'll just reupload it. - JMAS 03:36, August 22, 2020 (UTC)

Someone called me annoying

Imperial Agent

Hi Grunny! I was looking at a few source materials, and I am attempting to (hopefully) create an Imperial Agent article, but FOR the Galactic Empire. But, I noticed we already have an Imperial Agent article. Could I just add my research to it? Or created a new page? Have a great day! --Supreme Commander Raxus (talk) 19:28, 11 December 2020 (UTC)

Editing other wikis in other languages

Hi, I would like to edit Brickipedia in Serbian language so I need some guidance. Also, I would like help continuing editing wookiepedia, to make it more prettier, so I need help creating info boxes to new and existing pages. Is it possible to do this? Can you please help me? Thank you for every help and answer.

Broken refs

Just as an FYI, you have a broken ref on your sandbox page that are showing up in an error category. If you do a search for "Cite error" on the page, you should find it. -- Sulfur (talk) 13:33, 13 December 2020 (UTC)

Hey Grunny, I appreciate you're probably busy with UCP right now, but I was wondering if you'd mind taking a look at MediaWiki:Gadget-duplinks.js when you have a chance. It's been broken post-UCP, with it no longer excluding links in the intro. As you originally made that page I thought you might have an idea on how to fix it, as it's probably beyond the abilities of the rest of us. Thanks in advance, Tommy-Macaroni 11:24, 15 December 2020 (UTC)

  • Never mind, GT has managed to fix it. 22:20, 14 January 2021 (UTC)


Sorry to bother you, but is there a page that shows all of the pages that have NOT been created on Wookieepedia? Does this make sense if so please reply. thanks, Imperators III (talk) 10:15, 4 February 2021 (UTC)

  • Hi. Probably the closest thing to what you're looking for is the wanted page list which lists pages that do not yet exist that are linked to heavily from other pages on Wookieepedia. Another useful place to find articles that are missing that you may be able to help create (though make sure you're following the Attribution and Sourcing guidelines when doing so) is to look at pages with a lot of redlinks. I hope that helps. Cheers, 18:21, 5 February 2021 (UTC)

Admin stats

Hello Grunny—I hope you're well. This obviously isn't something important, but if you get a chance, do you think you could please update your admin stats page? I'm curious to see how it's evolved over the years. Cheers, JediMasterMacaroni(Talk) 19:01, 5 March 2021 (UTC)

K220 heavy-duty peripheral processor


Hey Grunny. Just a heads up that Tapas, a GA of yours, is currently being probed by the AgriCorps, in case you're interested in saving it. JediMasterMacaroni(Talk) 04:01, 20 October 2021 (UTC)

The top template

Hi Grunny,

I'm an admin & bureaucrat over at Stranger Things Wiki, we're currently looking at ways to enhance the site's design. While browsing various other fan wikis for inspiration, I was really impressed by the 'Top' template/module that Wookiepedia uses. It's such a subtle and non-assuming way to visually denote the article type, I really like it.

Would it be possible if you, or anyone else willing to help, could give ST Wiki a hand in creating a similar template? My aim is to create something much more modest than what you guys have; all I want to implement is a version of the 'real world' icon, for real world articles. There's no need for anything beyond that.

I feel that this is probably a pretty modest and achievable goal, but still, when I opened up the Module:Top page, I had no idea how to make sense of it, so I thought it would be a good idea to reach out to people who might actually know what they're doing, haha.

Cheers, ~TGG


I've got some of the way, but I can't quite figure out how to change the icon's placement, so it sits to the left of the edit button, like it does on Wookiepedia:

TheGreatGabester (talk) 15:38, 29 July 2022 (UTC)



Hi Grunny, hope you are well. Is it possible for you to look into AjaxUndo? It has stopped functioning after the implementation of the new thanking system. It works for anon edits, but not when the thank button is next to it for registered editors.

Deleted file

Hey there, Grunny. Just wanted to give you the heads up that File:Wookiees-Transparent.png has replaced the now-deleted File:ThreeWookieeAmigos-ROTSVD.jpg which is still showing as being in use on your user page. - JMAS 13:34, 13 February 2024 (UTC)


Hi, It'd be great if you could stop by Discord at your convenience. We need your help with Wook email related stuff. Thanks, —spookywillowwtalk 16:50, 12 March 2024 (UTC)

  • Hi, just reaching out again. Seems like one of the resets sent out will need to be reset because it expired. Would be much appreciative if you would be able to do that. 04:07, 5 April 2024 (UTC)
  • And I'm supposing some sort of spamfilter problem with the social media email as well that would be great if we'd be able to try to sort, just to leave that here too <3 16:56, 5 April 2024 (UTC)

A cursory follow-up

Hi, Following a SH, I've taken some of the things regarding the Social Media Team to CT. As such, it'd be amazing if you were able to pop by Discord or otherwise help us solve the issues in the above talk page section regarding getting the accounts swapped over, as we're currently unable to without assistance. Thanks, —spookywillowwtalk 23:10, 25 April 2024 (UTC)

Email deactivation needed

Hello. Per this; the associated email for that account and its inclusion in any forwarding lists (such as should be deactivated. Thanks.—spookywillowwtalk 18:00, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
