Veraslayn Kast


Kast's Mandalorian artwork

Kast's Mandalorian artwork

Veraslayn Kast was a human artist from the planet Mandalore who supported the Death Watch, a Mandalorian terrorist splinter group that opposed the pacifist New Mandalorian government on Mandalore. One of her pieces of art, a propaganda poster, depicted several Death Watch soldiers in action amidst a city and flames, one of several pieces showcasing Mandalorian warriors partaking in battle for the first time in ages.

Kast followed Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla during the Clone Wars, a conflict that saw the rise of the Shadow Collective, a criminal syndicate that Death Watch was the first to join. With the aid of the rest of the Shadow Collective, Death Watch managed to seize control of Mandalore in 19 BBY; however, Vizsla was slain after betraying the Collective's leader, the renegade Sith Lord Maul, who proclaimed himself the new leader of Death Watch, prompting some members of the organization to reject his rule.

Kast perished during the ensuing civil war on her homeworld, which pitted Mandalorians still loyal to the Shadow Collective against those who opposed Maul's rule. At the Clone Wars' conclusion, the Galactic Empire came into being, and the organization's Imperial Super Commandos, Mandalorian soldiers who served the Empire, destroyed much of the late Kast's work. Shortly after the Hosnian Cataclysm of 34 ABY, the book A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy—a work about the usage of propaganda—was released and contained information detailing Kast's Death Watch poster.

Behind the scenes

Veraslayn Kast was mentioned in the 2016 book Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, written by Pablo Hidalgo.


  • Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy
