
Willi was a chatty human who worked in propulsion and visited the planet Ferrix to spend money. In 5 BBY, he traveled to Ferrix City on a shuttle ferry and began talking to fellow passenger Luthen Rael when the shuttle began circling the city, waiting to land.

Willi complained to Rael about the cost of the transport on Ferrix and told him about his work and previous experiences on the world despite little response from the other passenger. Once the shuttle landed, Willi caught up with Rael for a few final words before parting ways.

Propulsion passenger

Willi sat with Luthen Rael aboard Engine 22.

Willi sat with Luthen Rael aboard Engine 22.

Willi was a human who worked in propulsion, providing add-ons and boosters. He did business on Ferrix, a key world in the salvage trade, where he came to spend money. When he first traveled to the world, visitors could reach Ferrix City by a groundcarry that drove across the surrounding wastelands, although it was expensive to use to the point that Willi felt that a round trip left a nasty taste in one's mouth a week later.

By 5 BBY, Willi had been traveling to Ferrix for some time, and that year, he flew in to Ferrix City aboard Engine 22, a shuttle ferry that had replaced the groundcarry. Upon reaching the city, the shuttle became stacked up behind others waiting to land and began to circle while waiting for a slot. As it circled, Willi began speaking to Luthen Rael, another passenger of the shuttle who was seated at the opposite window. The propulsion provider first complained about the fact that they were circling and then about how much visiting Ferrix cost.

A new friend

He finally got a response from Rael after asking how much his fellow passenger had been charged to park his ship, then moved to sit next to Rael and informed him about the groundcarry that had previously been available before complaining about the price of that as well. When Willi asked Rael about his line of work, the other passenger did not answer, but undeterred, Willi gave his own job and then, as the ship began to bank, stared out the window with Rael at Ferrix City below.

Luthen Rael and Willi parted ways at the Ferrix Terminus.

Luthen Rael and Willi parted ways at the Ferrix Terminus.

Willi then provided Rael with a common refrain about anything worth finding being available on Ferrix and then gave the other passenger an affable look, earning a perfunctory chuckle from Rael. Once the shuttle reached the Ferrix Terminal, Rael dismounted and Willi quickly caught up with him, asking if the other traveler planned on staying at Hotel Rix. When Rael said that he was not, Willi congratulated him on making the right choice and then called after a smiling Rael and warned him to look after his wallet as the two parted ways.

Personality and traits

Willi was chatty and complained to Luthen Rael about the costs on Ferrix.

Willi was chatty and complained to Luthen Rael about the costs on Ferrix.

Willi was a chatty individual who considered the people of Ferrix gutty for the prices they charged for transport and accommodation for those coming to spend money on their world. He considered the Hotel Rix the ultimate Ferrix price gouge but also believed that the price of parking a ship, the shuttle ferry, and the groundcarry that preceded the shuttle ferry were all too expensive.

However, he also believed that the costs would never change and that anything worth finding could be found on Ferrix. He was unsurprised when Rael refused to say what he did for a living, believing that one could never be certain to whom they were speaking by that time period and later warned Rael to look after his wallet once they landed. Willi considered himself old by 5 BBY and had white hair, light skin, and brown eyes.


While on Ferrix, Willi wore a brown jacket with a padded, orange tunic over a white shirt. He also wore pants that matched the tunic, brown shoes, and a brown hat with a silver earpiece and mouthpiece over his right ear. The propulsion provider had three devices in his left breast pocket while on the shuttle ferry and carried a pair of silver suitcases.

Behind the scenes

Willi was portrayed by Ron Cook in the Disney+ series Andor, with the character first appearing in the first season's second episode, "That Would Be Me," which aired on September 21, 2022. The character's name was given in the credits.







