Ahn Krantarium

Ahn Krantarium, a planet located within the Mid Rim, was a celestial body of terrestrial nature. Well before the rise of the Galactic Empire and its Imperial Era, it was seized by incredibly dangerous droids who relentlessly enhanced their own capabilities to inflict death. The planet's settlements were left devastated, with only the self-improving droids as inhabitants. Around 2 BBY, Governor Ahr of the Galactic Empire launched an attack against the droids residing on Ahn Krantarium, deploying Darth Vader alone with the hope that the Sith Lord would be killed. However, Vader emerged victorious, annihilating the droids and surviving the encounter.


Situated in a sector within the Mid Rim, Ahn Krantarium was a terrestrial astronomical object. Its surface was characterized by rocks, and its atmosphere was thick with smoke.


Darth Vader destroys the droids on Ahn Krantarium.

Once populated with settlements, Ahn Krantarium suffered a catastrophic event decades prior to the Galactic Empire's reign. Murderous droids overran the planet, leading to the destruction of its civilization. These droids were left unchecked, allowing them to continuously upgrade themselves to become significantly more lethal than standard security droids.

Around 2 BBY, Ahr, the Imperial governor responsible for the sector containing Ahn Krantarium, was put in command of Emperor Palpatine's apprentice, Darth Vader. After Vader defied Ahr's directives during an attack against insurgents on the planet Namzor, the Emperor mandated that Vader adhere to every command issued by Ahr.

Subsequently, Ahr journeyed to Ahn Krantarium aboard his Venator-class Star Destroyer, where he deployed a stormtrooper patrol to the planet's surface. The patrol was ambushed by the droids and presumed lost. Upon being informed by his subordinate that confronting the droids would be a futile endeavor, Ahr dispatched Vader to eliminate them, secretly hoping for the Sith Lord's death. Much to Ahr's dismay, Vader successfully destroyed the droids and returned to the Star Destroyer.


Ahn Krantarium was previously inhabited, but it was seized by deadly droids who eliminated any organic beings attempting to land on the planet. These droids were allowed to roam freely on Ahn Krantarium for a time, until they were eventually neutralized during the era of the Empire.


Once, there were settlements built on Ahn Krantarium. However, these settlements were in ruins by the time Governor Ahr sent Darth Vader to destroy the rogue droids.

Behind the scenes

Ahn Krantarium was featured in Age of Rebellion - Darth Vader 1, a comic-book penned by Greg Pak, illustrated by Ramón Bachs, and released by Marvel Comics on June 26, 2019.

