Age of Rebellion - Darth Vader 1

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Darth Vader 1, a one-shot comic book and the ninth, concluding issue of the canon anthology series, Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, was released on June 26, 2019. Greg Pak penned the story, Ramón Bachs provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics handled the publication.

What the Publisher Says

VADER, YOUR SERVANT! Darth Vader strikes fear into the galaxy. Yet, the proud Grand Moffs of THE EMPIRE consider him merely the Emperor's apprentice, ranking below them. How much rage does a SITH harbor when a Moff dares to command him? At what moment does Darth Vader reveal his true power to them?

Storyline Synopsis


On Namzor, a Mid Rim planet, Governor Ahr is leading an Imperial attack. Their target: insurgents barricaded within a coaxium depot. Ahr intends to use his Venator-class Star Destroyer to obliterate the insurgents, but Ahr's subordinate argues that doing so would destroy the very resource they seek. Ahr then orders his V-wing starfighters to disengage, but Darth Vader disregards these orders. Instead, he uses his starfighter to destroy the coaxium depot, eliminating the insurgents but also the valuable coaxium.

Subsequently, Governor Ahr uses a hologram to contact Emperor Palpatine, complaining that Vader arrived without warning and destroyed the coaxium he was tasked to secure. Ahr states that he ordered Vader to retreat. Vader counters, claiming the enemy was planning an escape, which he prevented. The Emperor reminds his Sith apprentice that while no one else in the Empire outranks him, he must still serve the Emperor's will by obeying bureaucrats like the Governor. The Emperor commands Vader to kneel, and Vader complies.

While kneeling, Vader relives memories of scrubbing floors for Watto, being denied the rank of Jedi Master, his duel against his former Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, and being struck by Force lightning from the Emperor after his reconstruction. The Emperor notes Vader's hatred of kneeling before him. Because the Governor is familiar with his sector, the Emperor orders Vader to follow all of the Governor's orders precisely until he learns his lesson. When Vader inquires about when that will be, the Emperor responds that he will know and directs the Governor to proceed.

Serving Under Ahr

The Governor relishes Vader's humiliation. For their following assignment, Ahr goes to Ahn Krantarium to suppress rebellious droids that have been out of control for decades. Despite his subordinate's warning that confronting the droids is a suicide mission, Ahr sends Vader on this mission. Vader utilizes his lightsaber skills and Force abilities to defeat the droids. Ahr is visibly disappointed by Vader's survival.

Later, Ahr dispatches Vader and his stormtroopers to conquer the moon of Phelzepham. Facing strong resistance from the insurgents, the Governor orders a retreat for all troops except Lord Vader. Despite the intense resistance, Vader succeeds in subduing the insurgents and returns to the Governor with a burning cape.

The Space Creature

In an attempt to eliminate Lord Vader for good, the Governor orders his Star Destroyer to the Kankalo Belt Containment Zone, ignoring his subordinate officer's objections. Ahr instructs Vader to enter the asteroid field and eliminate the greatest threat he can find. The subordinate officer attempts to warn the Governor that Imperial policy forbids disturbing the space monster, but his warnings are ignored. Vader flies toward the crustacean-like space monster, circling it before returning to the Star Destroyer. The Governor, enraged by Vader's disobedience, summons him to the bridge.

He makes Vader kneel. The Sith Lord complies, but then the space monster breaches the viewport and seizes the Governor. The subordinate officer and several stormtroopers are pulled into space. The Emperor commends Vader for learning his lesson, while the remaining Imperial officers and stormtroopers kneel before Lord Vader.

Media Details

Different Versions

  • UPC 759606091843; June 26 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00111; Cover A; Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson 00121; Cover B; Mike McKone, Guru-eFX 00131; Cover C; Lucasfilm Ltd. 00141; Cover D; Ralph McQuarrie 00151; Cover E; Tommy Lee Edwards 00161; Cover F; Gabriele Dell'Otto

Cover Images

