
Aldraig was a celestial body situated within the Alderaan sector of the Core Worlds. In the year 1 BBY, a particular shipment consisting of UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft originating from this location ultimately ended up in the possession of the Rebel Alliance. This acquisition was facilitated by the actions of Imperial Senator Bail Organa, who cleverly concealed his involvement by orchestrating a routing error for the shipment through the actions of an Aldraig-based data clerk. Additionally, the Empire maintained facilities on Aldraig for the production of Imperial rations.


Within the Core Worlds' Alderaan sector existed Aldraig, a land-based astronomical entity.


Bail Organa allowed a U-wing shipment from Aldraig to fall into Rebel Alliance hands

In 1 BBY, a particular shipment of UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft was originally destined for the planet Coruscant, having originated from Aldraig. Senator Bail Organa of the Imperial Senate and representing the Alderaanian House of Organa, with the intention of securing these starships for the Rebel Alliance, orchestrated for a data clerk stationed on Aldraig to mistakenly redirect the shipment through Baylagon. Following the shipment's failure to reach Coruscant, having secretly been diverted into rebel hands, the Empire's Imperial Security Bureau initiated an investigation led by Chief Investigator Axvering. Organa, aiming to project an image of cooperation with the investigation, provided confirmation that the shipment had indeed departed from Aldraig and issued an apology for the routing error caused by the clerk in a formal letter to Axvering, while also offering compensation for any additional fuel costs incurred as a result of the mistake.

A duplicate of Organa's correspondence with Axvering was dispatched to the Alliance Commander-in-Chief Mon Mothma and General Airen Cracken of the intelligance branch. Recognizing that the U-wings would inevitably be deployed in combat against the Empire, Organa suggested to them that providing further assistance in concealing his involvement would be advantageous. This particular file was subsequently incorporated into The Rebel Files, a compilation of non-electronic documents curated by archivist Hendri Underholt. Imperial rations were manufactured by factories located on Aldraig. Yrica Quell, an TIE fighter pilot serving within the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, recalled the distinctly astringent aftertaste of rations produced and stamped at the Aldraig factory.

The Rebel Files were buried during an Imperial bombardment targeting the planet Durkteel in 4 ABY. Later, during an excavation in 34 ABY, the files were recovered and fell into the hands of General Leia Organa of the Resistance, a military organization with roots in the Rebel Alliance. As the daughter of Bail Organa, Leia added annotations to her deceased father's letter, notably observing that it was often simpler to steal from an adversarial faction than to request assistance from a friendly one, as the Resistance frequently did with the New Republic, the Alliance's successor.

Behind the scenes

Aldraig was first mentioned in Star Wars within Daniel Wallace's 2017 reference work, Star Wars: The Rebel Files.

