The assault on Harrikos Fifteen was a conflict that occurred in the Harrikos system at the Harrikos-Fifteen Research Station, pitting New Republic Intelligence against the forces of the Galactic Empire. Caern Adan, an Officer within New Republic Intelligence, suspected a connection between the attack on the Hellion's Dare and the elite Imperial fighter squadron known as the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, or Shadow Wing. In order to pinpoint the location of the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate within the Oridal Cluster, Adan aimed to establish a forward operating base from which to find and retrieve the vessel. Initially, Republic pilots attempted to deceive Imperial forces, but the situation escalated, forcing them to engage in combat and seize the research station by force.
Officer Caern Adan of New Republic Intelligence surmised that the recent vanishing of the Hellion's Dare was attributable to the actions of Shadow Wing. The New Republic required a base of operations to facilitate the search and subsequent retrieval of the frigate, which was located within the Oridol Cluster. Adan considered the capture of the Harrikos-Fifteen Research Station as an ideal solution, as it would grant them access to the station's scientific resources.
The New Republic formulated a strategy centered around deceiving the station's hangar personnel to permit Yrica Quell to land and secure her X-wing starfighter. Following this, the marines aboard the Buried Treasure were to board the station and take control. As the squadron exited hyperspace, Quell requested permission to land, utilizing Galactic Imperial access codes and falsely claiming that she had stolen the X-wing after her squadron's destruction. An automated system denied the request, prompting Nath Tensent to improvise by simulating an attack on her to make her appear as a hostage. A crew member communicated via radio, reiterating the denial of her landing request, but the station's laser turrets targeted Tensent instead of Quell. Quell descended onto the landing strip and initiated an attack using her laser cannons. Concurrently, Tensent executed multiple bombing runs against the station. After a two-hour battle, the Buried Treasure successfully landed and secured the station.
Despite achieving victory, New Republic Intelligence was unable to locate the Hellion's Dare, as it had been destroyed by Shadow Wing. However, two pilots, Chass na Chadic and Wyl Lark, survived the conflict and managed to escape to the station. Once there, they relayed their account to Republic Intelligence. Both pilots would later become members of the newly formed Alphabet Squadron.