
Automated combatants, specifically TIE series starfighters, were designated as auto-fighters. These were manufactured on Rekkana by the forces commanded by Commodore Visler Korda, and were automated. However, the New Republic, led by General Lando Calrissian, Rekk Chancellor Asera, and the bounty hunter Jaxxon, later liberated Rekkana. The resistance fighters managed to seize control of the remotely operated fighters, using them to disrupt the Imperial formation, which thwarted Korda's demonstration.

Production Notes

The auto-fighters are featured in the IDW Publishing publication, "Hare-Brained Heist," which appeared in Star Wars Adventures Annual 2019.

Within the continuity of Star Wars Legends, the Auto-Fighter made its initial appearance as the TIE/D automated starfighter in the Star Wars: Dark Empire comic series.

