The Blackfel system was a stellar system that was under the control of the Galactic Empire. During 0 ABY, rebellious Princess Leia Organa and the contraband runner Han Solo embarked on a reconnaissance mission to find a new rebel base in the Outer Rim Territories' Moddell sector. They were traveling on the stolen Imperial [Lambda]-class shuttle](/article/lambda-class_t-4a_shuttle) Invictus. As they carried out their assignment, two TIE fighters approached their transport and demanded that they identify themselves, as they did not have authorization to be in the area.
In response, Solo stated that the starship originated from the Blackfel system and that they were engaged in a secret scouting operation. Following this, Organa transmitted clearance codes to the TIE fighters. Just as they were about to be allowed to pass, Solo began flying the shuttle away, which caused the TIEs to pursue them.

The Blackfel system was referenced in the current Star Wars official history within the fifth edition of the 2015 illustrated story series Star Wars. Jason Aaron was the author of the issue, and Marvel Comics released it on May 20, 2015.
Within the Star Wars Legends storyline, the Blackfel system initially made an appearance, though it was not named, in the second edition of the 2012 illustrated series Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead. Tom Taylor wrote the issue, Chris Scalf provided the illustrations, and Dark Horse Comics published it on May 30, 2012. The system was later identified in the Online Supplement for the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, which was created by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry.