Star Wars (2015) 5

Star Wars number 5 represents the fifth installment of the 2015 canon comic book series titled Star Wars. This issue marks the fifth part of the initial story arc, known as Skywalker Strikes. Jason Aaron penned the story, while John Cassaday and Laura Martin provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it to the public on May 20, 2015.

Summary from the Publisher

THE GREATEST SPACE ADVENTURE OF ALL TIME CONTINUES! As Luke goes home in search of the truth about his late mentor…Leia takes Han on a secret mission of vital importance to the Rebellion. Unfortunately, they both run into some unfriendly encounters.

Plot synopsis

Luke's return

Luke Skywalker makes his way back to his home planet of Tatooine, where he begins to question his dedication to the Rebellion. Unbeknownst to Skywalker, the bounty hunter known as Boba Fett has identified him and intends to capture him. Fett eliminates several Rodian bounty hunters prior to taking off using his jetpack.

Fett proceeds to Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina located in Mos Eisley, in an attempt to gather information regarding Skywalker. Fett is on the verge of interrogating an Ithorian when he is mocked by a six-armed alien, who refers to him as a "boy" and challenges him to a physical altercation. However, Fett defeats the alien in battle, severing one of his arms and fracturing two others. Fett demands details about Skywalker, breaking a third arm to emphasize his point.

Wuher recalls that Obi-Wan Kenobi had previously visited the cantina accompanied by a young man resembling a farm boy. A young moisture farmer attempts to escape, but Fett ensnares him using his Whipcord launcher. Fett then subjects the young man to torture.

Exchanging Favors

In the meantime, aboard the Alliance Fleet, Han Solo informs Princess Leia Organa that he requires a hyperdrive regulator, along with two laser power cells and three degaussers, to repair the damaged Millennium Falcon. Leia struggles to comprehend Solo's attachment to the ship and is primarily focused on acquiring resources to establish a new base for the rebellion. Solo, harboring feelings for Leia, attempts to elicit a statement from her indicating that she does not want him to leave.

Leia instructs him to depart. When Solo requests the spare parts, she reminds him that she is not operating a charity and that everyone within the fleet is expected to earn what they receive. Leia proposes to assist Solo in obtaining the required parts in exchange for his services as her co-pilot on an upcoming mission. Solo reminds Leia of his assistance in destroying Weapons Factory Alpha, but Leia points out that this occurred several days ago. Solo accepts her offer, while jokingly advising Leia to cease dwelling in the future.

Divergent Paths

Returning to Chalmun's Cantina, Fett employs daggers to torture the moisture farmer. The young man reveals to Fett that Luke Skywalker is the name of the individual he seeks. He informs Fett that Luke is a farmer and a bush pilot who frequented Tosche Station alongside Biggs Darklighter. The young man tells Fett that he witnessed Skywalker accompanied by Kenobi in Mos Eisley, attempting to leave the planet. The young man states that he only desired a drink. Having exhausted his usefulness to Fett, the bounty hunter eliminates him.

Simultaneously, Skywalker and R2-D2 journey across the Jundland Wastes towards Ben Kenobi's home. Skywalker confesses to R2-D2 that he is uncertain of what to expect at Kenobi's residence. He acknowledges that Kenobi has imparted all of his knowledge of the Jedi. Nevertheless, Skywalker senses that Kenobi still has knowledge to share. He claims to occasionally hear Kenobi's voice, despite his death, but remains unsure if it is truly Kenobi speaking.

Suddenly, Skywalker is ambushed by a Tusken Raider wielding a Gaderffii stick. Skywalker defends himself against the Tusken using his lightsaber. He discovers several Tusken Raiders looting Kenobi's home and charges at them with his lightsaber. R2-D2 activates his Electro-shock prod.

Imperial Complications

Concurrently, Princess Leia and Han Solo are traveling in a stolen Imperial shuttle on a mission to locate a new base for the Rebel Alliance. Solo highlights Ganath Cloud, the Trindello system, and the Moons of Ovise as picturesque destinations. Leia reminds him that they are not on a sightseeing tour and are instead searching for a secluded location to establish a rebel base.

Solo, who does not share Leia's dedication to the Rebellion, inquires if she could take him to a place with a pleasant beach. Leia expresses her dissatisfaction with Solo's lack of enthusiasm. When Solo points out that Leia is not piloting the ship, she reminds him that it is not their ship, but a stolen Imperial shuttle. Solo retorts that he did not steal the Millennium Falcon, but rather won it in a game of sabacc. While conversing about the Falcon, they detect two blips on the scanner.

These blips are revealed to be two TIE fighters, which demand that the shuttle identify itself. Princess Leia is annoyed that Solo allowed the TIE fighters to approach so closely. Solo suggests that Leia relinquish control of the shuttle so they can escape, but Leia advises him to remain calm as they are in a stolen shuttle.

Leia informs the TIE fighters that their shuttle is designated as the Invictus and that they are operating from the Blackfel system on a confidential scouting mission. She transmits the necessary clearance codes. Han and Leia come to the realization that the Empire is expanding its reach into the Outer Rim, making it increasingly difficult to locate a new base. However, Solo seizes control of the shuttle and executes an evasive maneuver.

Leia struggles for control and attempts to convince the TIE fighters that the shuttle's engines malfunctioned. The TIE pilots are unconvinced and order them to prepare for boarding. Solo asserts that he was correct and guides the shuttle towards the Monsua Nebula in the Moddell sector. Solo and Leia encounter an uncharted planet characterized by cyclones and electrical super-storms.

Solo pilots the shuttle into the stormy planet's atmosphere. Fearing the cyclones and storms, the Imperials withdraw. Princess Leia expresses her anger at Solo for leading them to such a perilous world, and berates him as the worst smuggler she has ever encountered. As their shuttle passes by, it is detected by a homing beacon, which relays their coordinates to a masked figure aboard a freighter. The figure remarks that the dog always returns to its favorite den.

Return to Kenobi's Residence

Luke Skywalker successfully intimidates the Tusken Raiders with his lightsaber. Luke admits that he wrestles with anger and frustration, acknowledging that these emotions are not conducive to becoming a Jedi. He tells Artoo that he requires answers. Upon observing the disarray within Kenobi's house, Luke expresses his doubt that he will find the answers he seeks.

He notes that the Sandpeople have not taken much, as there was little to begin with. Luke questions why Kenobi chose to conceal himself on Tatooine. R2-D2 identifies a box bearing the inscription "For Luke." However, Boba Fett detonates a flash grenade inside the living room, blinding Skywalker.

Cover images

