Star Wars (2015) 6

title: Star Wars 6

The sixth installment of the Marvel comic book series Star Wars, titled Star Wars 6, serves as the concluding chapter for the initial story arc, Skywalker Strikes. This comic book, featuring the writing of Jason Aaron and the artwork of John Cassaday, was released to the public on June 3, 2015.

Publisher's summary


  • The showdown between Luke and Boba Fett is here! Han Solo finds himself in a precarious situation!
  • This is "the comic book you've been searching for!" [1]

Plot summary

Showdown between Skywalker and Fett

Luke Skywalker is left in a state of disorientation after being temporarily blinded by a flash grenade deployed by Boba Fett within Obi-Wan Kenobi's residence. Fett strikes Luke in the head with the butt of his blaster rifle, commanding him to remain on the ground. Despite his blindness, Luke retaliates with a punch, only to injure his hands against Fett's Mandalorian armor. Fett warns Luke against wasting his efforts, while Luke mistakenly identifies Fett as a stormtrooper.

Luke deduces that he has been incapacitated by a flash grenade. Fett reiterates his order for Luke to remain still. Luke demands to know the identity of Fett's employer and his intended destination. In response to Luke's resistance, Fett kicks him in the head, aiming to render him unconscious. However, Luke activates his lightsaber and declares his refusal to be taken. Fett scoffs at the blinded Luke, who counters that a Jedi does not require sight.

Fett dismisses Luke's threats, but Luke retorts that Fett should not have arrived. Guided by the Force, Luke advances with his lightsaber, but Fett evades his attack and deploys his whipcord launcher. Luke successfully severs the cord with his lightsaber, causing the projectile to detonate. Fett stumbles over R2-D2, prompting Luke to mock his noisy armor. Fett retorts that Luke's mouth is equally noisy before launching an attack with his jetpack.

An unexpected romance unfolds

In a parallel sequence of events, Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo come to the realization that the uncharted stormy world possesses a stunning surface adorned with grass, trees, waterfalls, and imposing rock formations. Solo reveals that he had previously crash-landed on this planet and utilized it as a concealed location for his illicit goods. Solo assures Leia that the pursuing TIE fighters will be unable to follow them, citing the pilots' inability to navigate the intense storms and the scanners' inability to penetrate the planet's surface.

As they enter a cave concealed behind a waterfall, Leia remarks that this planet could prove valuable to the Rebellion. Solo assures her that only he and Chewbacca are aware of the planet's existence. Solo then extends an offer of Corellian wine to Leia.

Meanwhile, one of the TIE pilots speculates that the rebel fugitives have perished in the storms. However, his colleague insists on confirming their demise to avoid potential repercussions. At that moment, an unidentified vessel streaks past them. The TIE pilots demand identification from the vessel, but a hooded figure responds that she will not linger.

Conflict at Kenobi's dwelling

Returning to Kenobi's residence, Luke's jacket is slashed by Fett's Mandalorian vambrace. Luke attempts to strike Fett with his lightsaber, but Fett counters with a strike from his vambrace. Fett offers Luke a final opportunity to surrender his lightsaber. Luke retorts that Kenobi would never yield, but Fett taunts him with the news of Kenobi's death before shooting Luke in the shoulder.

Fett states that his original objective was to capture Luke alive but concedes that a "breathing" captive will suffice. Luke responds that a Jedi can sense the Force flowing within him. Fett fires a blaster bolt, but Luke deflects it with his lightsaber. Fett activates his jetpack and charges at Luke, knocking him to the ground. Before Fett can gain the upper hand, R2-D2 throws a box at Fett, rendering the bounty hunter unconscious.

Luke inquires R2-D2 about the events that transpired and whether the box was the one they discovered. R2-D2 guides the blinded Luke out of Kenobi's destroyed home and back to his starfighter. As dawn breaks, Luke regains his sight and instructs R2-D2 to activate the converters. He examines the box and discovers a book titled The Journals of Ben Kenobi.

A phantom from Solo's history

Returning to the uncharted world, Leia expresses her displeasure with Solo's flirtatious advances and throws Corellian wine at him. She reminds him that they are on a crucial mission for the Rebellion and rejects his romantic advances. Solo protests that the wine was expensive and asserts his right to enjoy it after saving their lives. Leia counters that they would not be in this situation if he had not lost his nerve.

Solo takes offense, but their argument is interrupted by the sound of approaching starship engines. The ship belongs to the enigmatic masked figure who had been pursuing them. Leia realizes that it is not an Imperial vessel and inquires about who else knows about this location. Solo urges them to flee, and they evade incoming laser fire. As the ship lands, Leia asks who has located them.

The mysterious woman advises Leia not to bother asking Solo, accusing him of being a liar. She introduces herself as Sana Solo, Solo's wife. Solo lowers his head in dismay, while Leia expresses her shock at the revelation of Solo's marital status. Armed with a blaster, Sana demands to know Leia's identity.

Vader's offspring

Fett pilots the Slave I to Darth Vader's Imperial Star Destroyer. Fett reports that he was unable to capture the rebel pilot. Vader is observed gazing out of a viewport. While Vader expresses his disappointment, he inquires whether Fett has brought anything of value. Fett responds that the fugitive is named Skywalker. Vader remains facing the viewport, leading Fett to assume that their conversation is concluded and to depart. After Fett's departure, Vader employs the Force to shatter the transparisteel window as he grapples with the revelation that he has a son.

