Bubbling poma was a liquid substance extracted via distillation from the seeds found inside poma-drupe fruits. When this fluid was used inside a deprivation chamber, it induced hallucinations and facilitated muscle relaxation. A poma-club establishment in Quarrow, the capital city located on the planet of Nakadia, was known to utilize bubbling poma by 5 ABY.
During a visit to Quarrow on Nakadia in 5 ABY, a group of New Republic operatives briefly took into account the local poma-club and its use of this substance, as they pondered how the city's ambiance might affect their forthcoming mission. Shortly thereafter, Rethalow, a New Republic senator, partook of bubbling poma while at Quarrow's poma-club.
Aftermath: Empire's End, the third book in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy written by Chuck Wendig, mentioned bubbling poma; this novel was published in 2017.