Poma-drupe fruits were a kind of fruit that was not suitable for eating. The seeds of this fruit were capable of being processed into bubbling poma, a liquid employed within deprivation chambers. When combined with pulsating pulse-music inside the chamber, it had the potential to ease a person's muscles, free their thoughts, and bring about hallucinations.
In the year 5 ABY, Quarrow, which served as the capital city for the planet of Nakadia, featured a poma-club where bubbling poma was made from poma-drupe fruit seeds. During their time on Nakadia that year, a number of New Republic agents made a visit to Quarrow and briefly pondered the poma-club of that world and how it utilized the fruit, as they considered how the ambiance of the city might impact their impending mission.
The poma-drupe fruit made an appearance in Aftermath: Empire's End, a novel from 2017 written by [Chuck Wendig],/article/chuck_wendig) which was the third book in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.