
Caraxl was an astronomical body situated within the Cassander sector, which itself was a region of the Trans-Hydian Borderlands. During the Cold War that occurred between the Resistance—a small, privately funded military organization established by New Republic Senator Leia Organa—and the First Order, the Galactic Empire's successor, a group of pirates supported by the First Order began to conduct raids on Caraxl, as well as other locations throughout the Cassander sector.

In the year 34 ABY, the Resistance dispatched a squadron of bombers and A-wing starfighters with the intention of thwarting the combined plans of the pirates and the First Order to seize control of the sector. Three days following the Resistance's mission to Mamkoda, Resistance bombers attempted to deliver essential supplies to Caraxl. However, after Resistance pilot Tallissan Lintra reported that First Order TIE fighters were on a course to intercept them, the bombers were compelled to abandon their mission due to orders to avoid any confrontation with the First Order that might potentially create issues within the New Republic Senate.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Caraxl occurred in The Last Jedi: Bomber Command, a 2017 canon replica journal authored by Jason Fry.


  • The Last Jedi: Bomber Command (First mentioned)

Notes and references
