A non-canonical animated LEGO short, "Carving Up the Competition," initially broadcast online on September 15, 2021. It forms a segment of the LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season webseries.
Within the throne room of Mandalore, Ahsoka Tano and Darth Maul engage in an intense pumpkin carving contest. Bo Katan supports Ahsoka, while Gar Saxon and his troops back Darth Maul. The question is: who will be victorious and craft the ultimate Jack-O'-Lantern? Watch to discover the outcome!
Ahsoka Tano's starfighter touches down just outside the Sundari Royal Palace located on Mandalore. Inside the throne room, Maul is ready and activates his double-bladed lightsaber. The pair then commence a pumpkin carving competition using their lightsabers. Bo-Katan Kryze, along with a couple of Clone troopers from the 501st Legion, rally behind Tano. Conversely, Maul receives support from Gar Saxon and his Mandalorian super commandos.
Tano unveils her creation: a pumpkin carved with a figurine representing a Togruta. Kryze and her team celebrate, displaying placards that indicate her victory. Maul then presents his own pumpkin creation, which is carved to resemble his own likeness. However, one of his horns detaches. Initially, Saxon and his team disapprove, but they quickly change their tune when Maul menacingly brandishes his lightsaber.
The competition continues, with Tano and Maul using their lightsabers to carve pumpkins with the Alliance Starbird, X-wing starfighters, TIE fighters, and Yoda. For the final round, Tano carves a figure onto her pumpkin, while Maul carves a sad face. Tano's team cheers her on. Maul, visibly frustrated, uses the Force to launch pumpkins at Saxon and his super commandos. A food fight erupts, culminating in Tano knocking Maul unconscious with a pumpkin. Kryze gives Tano a frowny face score, but Maul awards himself a smiley face score.