Admiral Dao utilized a Venator-class Star Destroyer as the central hub of his command, serving within the Galactic Republic's naval forces. This flagship was used to oversee a relief supply fleet, and it was positioned above the planet Ryloth in 22 BBY during the Clone Wars. The Star Destroyer engaged in combat to defend against the Separatist Alliance's warship blockade, which had initiated an invasion of Ryloth.
During the conflict, Dao's command vessel sustained significant damage to its vital systems and was critically short on fuel and ammunition. With its protective shielding disabled and its reactor non-functional, the Venator met its destruction, along with one of its escorts, thus allowing the Separatists to gain control of Ryloth's orbit. Following the loss of the fleet, the Republic initiated a clandestine supply operation to Ryloth, originating from the world of Toydaria.
The vessel belonged to the Venator-class of Star Destroyer, functioning within the Galactic Republic Navy both as a battleship and a carrier for starfighters. With dimensions of 1,137 meters in length, 548 meters in width, and 268 meters in height, the Star Destroyer featured a pair of bridges, one on the port side for starfighter operations and the other on the starboard side for overall command. One of these contained a holographic table and recessed areas for crew members. The Star Destroyer was outfitted with a main reactor, a deflector shield generator, and communications equipment. Consistent with all Venators, the ship was armed with eight DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets, fifty-two point-defense laser cannons, four proton torpedo launchers, and six tractor beam projectors.

During 22 BBY, amidst the Clone Wars fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the planet of Ryloth was subjected to an invasion by the Confederacy's droid armies in an attempt to seize control of the world and its strategic hyperspace location. To impede the invading force, a Republic relief fleet under the command of Admiral Dao aboard a Venator-class Star Destroyer, accompanied by another Venator, defended Ryloth against the Confederacy's blockade of warships commanded by Neimoidian Captain Mar Tuuk. While the opposing fleets clashed in orbit, a small garrison of Republic clone troopers, led by Jedi General Ima-Gun Di, engaged the invading Separatist Droid Army on the planet's surface.
In the midst of the orbital skirmishes, General Di contacted Dao's flagship from the surface, requesting additional supplies from the fleet for his troops and the resistance force of native Twi'leks led by General Cham Syndulla, whose resources had been depleted in the fighting. However, despite the Jedi Master's urgent appeals, the Republic admiral explained—as one of Dao's Star Destroyers was destroyed—that his fleet was unable to provide assistance due to critical shortages of fuel and ammunition. In response, Di instructed the admiral to reestablish contact with the Jedi Temple located on the planet Coruscant.
Upon reaching the Jedi High Council on Coruscant, Admiral Dao requested that reinforcements be dispatched to Ryloth with the utmost urgency. However, during his communication with Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Yoda, the admiral was informed by a clone navigation officer that his warship had been rendered inoperable due to the destruction of its main reactor, leading to the Star Destroyer's subsequent annihilation following the deactivation of its shields. Despite the loss of Dao's fleet, the Republic managed to deliver crucial relief supplies to Ryloth and its starving populace following a humanitarian dispute on the planet Toydaria.
The Venator-class Star Destroyer served as the central command vessel for Admiral Dao and his relief supply fleet during the Battle of Ryloth. Its bridge was staffed by a complement of clone troopers and clone navigation officers.
The initial appearance of Dao's Venator-class Star Destroyer occurred in "Supply Lines," the third installment of the third season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television series, which was originally broadcast on September 24, 2010.