
Darsana, a staunch advocate for the Military Creation Act, represented the planet Glee Anselm in the Galactic Republic Senate. During a Senate session concerning the bill in 22 BBY, Darsana was present at the Galactic Senate Building on Coruscant, the Republic's capital, navigating their repulsorpod towards the central platform as the discussion unfolded.


Darsana came from Glee Anselm.

Hailing from Glee Anselm, the Mid Rim homeworld of both the Nautolan and Anselmi species, Darsana served as a senator for the Galactic Republic within the Galactic Senate. In 22 BBY, amidst the Separatist Crisis, Darsana was present in the main chamber of the Galactic Senate Building on the Republic's capital, Coruscant. This session revolved around the debate concerning the Military Creation Act, a bill designed to establish a Republic army to confront the Separatists. Darsana was a fervent supporter of this army-creating legislation. By the time Senator Padmé Amidala arrived in the chamber following an attempt on her life, Darsana's repulsorpod, along with others belonging to proponents of the bill, had detached from the chamber walls and gathered around the central podium where Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was seated.

Amidala then piloted her own repulsorpod around those of Darsana and other senators who supported the bill, including Orn Free Taa and Ask Aak, to express her support for Palpatine's assertions that the Republic sought peace, not conflict. After a moment of stunned silence, a large portion of the Senate applauded Amidala, including some of the bill's backers. However, when she continued to speak against the bill, some senators began to boo. Ultimately, Palpatine postponed the vote on the bill and adjourned the session for the day. Shortly after this session, the Senate granted Palpatine Emergency Powers, enabling him to authorize the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic to combat the Separatists during the Clone Wars.

Behind the scenes

Within the established Star Wars canon, Darsana's character appeared in Attack of the Clones - The Film Novel, the 2016 French novelization of the film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones by Catherine Kalengula, which was initially released on May 16, 2002. Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, the character of Darsana was initially introduced in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #49, an article jointly authored by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens, and published in March of 2002.

Animation director Rob Coleman delivered an altered version of Darsana's dialogue during production of Attack of the Clones.

Darsana was also featured in the Legends film novelization of Attack of the Clones, penned by R. A. Salvatore and released on April 23 of 2002. Within this novelization, Darsana is present during the scene where Amidala voices her opposition to the Military Creation Act, delivering a line of dialogue asserting that the Republic is no longer secure under the protection of the Jedi Order. While this scene was filmed for Attack of the Clones, it was ultimately excluded from the final theatrical release.

Footage documenting the film's production reveals animation director Rob Coleman performing a slightly modified version of this line, complete with an accent, for director George Lucas. However, neither Darsana nor the line made it into the film itself, nor into the version of the scene that was released as a deleted scene. Concept art depicting Darsana was created for the movie but was never officially published. Nevertheless, this art later served as inspiration for the visual representation of the Anselmi when they were initially portrayed in the 2019 choose-your-own-adventure book titled Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure, which was written by Cavan Scott and illustrated by Elsa Charretier.

