
"Deception" represents the fifteenth installment within the fourth season of the animated television program, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It marks the beginning of a narrative arc spanning four episodes, focusing on Obi-Wan Kenobi's secret mission to expose the conspiracy aimed at assassinating Chancellor Palpatine. Its original broadcast occurred on January 20, 2012.

Official description

"To uncover a Separatist scheme to abduct Chancellor Palpatine, the Jedi discover they must send one of their own undercover, posing as a notorious criminal, to glean intelligence from the plotters."

Plot summary

Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano are ambushed by sniper fire during a stroll through the Coruscant cityscape. Evading the initial volley, Obi-Wan and Anakin pursue the sniper across the rooftops. Obi-Wan, exposing himself, is struck by a shot and plummets into an alleyway below, seemingly meeting his demise. A Jedi ceremony is conducted to mourn Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka expresses worry for Anakin, who becomes distant and somber. Meanwhile, Rako Hardeen, the bounty hunter responsible, celebrates his apparent success.

The events are revealed to be a carefully orchestrated plan conceived by Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Mace Windu. They feigned Obi-Wan's death to allow him to infiltrate an impending Separatist plot targeting Palpatine's kidnapping. Kenobi undergoes a transformation using nanotechnology, altering his appearance to resemble Hardeen. He then subdues his would-be assassin as he attempts to collect payment from his employer (Kenobi again), finalizing his disguise with a voice emulator droid and a sample of Hardeen's voice. Anakin and Ahsoka, unaware of the scheme to ensure its secrecy, locate Hardeen's location and apprehend the disguised Obi-Wan, transporting him to a Republic detention facility.

Once incarcerated, Obi-Wan initiates contact with Moralo Eval, a fellow inmate believed to be a central figure in the plot against the Chancellor. Eval acknowledges "Hardeen" for assassinating a Jedi; however, their interaction is complicated by the presence of Cad Bane, Eval's cellmate, who openly displays his suspicion of the newcomer. Furthermore, Obi-Wan discovers that both Eval and Bane are planning an imminent prison escape. He manages to transmit this information to Yoda and Windu through a hidden communication device, but is compelled to continue with the operation.

Eventually, Bane instigates a prison break by having Boba Fett provoke a confrontation with Obi-Wan, sparking a widespread riot that serves as a diversion for Eval and Bane's escape. Obi-Wan joins them, offering covert assistance in their flight from the prison through the morgue and incineration area, despite Eval and Bane's ruthless killing of several prison staff during their escape. Hijacking a freighter, the trio departs the planet. Despite Bane's persistent animosity, Obi-Wan gains Eval's confidence, who announces that he will be included in their upcoming operation.


During his communication with Mace Windu and Yoda within the prison, Obi-Wan employs the alias "Ben," alluding to the name he would later adopt during his exile on Tatooine following the Clone Wars. The Legends novel Kenobi and later the canon novel Brotherhood revealed that the name was initially given to him by Satine Kryze, who is visible in the background of the episode at Obi-Wan's funeral.


