
title: Devoted

The fourth episode of the Star Wars: Tales of the Empire animated anthology series is entitled "Devoted." This episode was released on May 4, 2024.

Official description

The Empire recruits Barriss Offee, a former Jedi.

Plot summary

A second chance

Barriss Offee, formerly a Padawan, awakens within her prison cell following a nightmare filled with the sounds of screams and the sight of lightsabers. After exiting her bunk, she gazes out through the viewport. The Jedi Temple is being consumed by explosions in the distance, signifying the commencement of the Jedi Purge. Offee proceeds to the red force field door and calls out for the guards. She questions the clone shocktroopers about the events unfolding at the Jedi Temple. One of the troopers advises her to be thankful that she is no longer a Jedi, adding that the Jedi will be extinct by the next day.

Later, rain is falling at the Imperial Inspectorate HQ and the surrounding area. Lyn Rakish, a former Jedi who is now an Inquisitor known as the Fourth Sister, pays Offee a visit. When Offee inquires about the wishes of the Jedi Council, the Fourth Sister informs her that the Council is no more. The Fourth Sister reminds Offee that, during her trial, she accused the Jedi of treason, an accusation that has supposedly been validated by a failed Jedi assassination attempt targeting Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. When Offee asks about the implications for her, the Fourth Sister informs her that she is there to extend a unique opportunity. Offee accepts, and the Inquisitor removes her restraints.

New recruits

Offee journeys with the Fourth Sister to Fortress Inquisitorius, situated on the aquatic moon of Nur. They observe that the fortress is still under construction and is being guarded by a large number of Clone troopers. As they enter the main hall, Offee recognizes Dante and [Ahmar](/article/ahmar], two former Jedi who managed to survive the Purge. The Grand Inquisitor reveals that the Jedi Order has collapsed and asserts that they must establish a new order to ensure the safety of the Galactic Empire. When Offee questions the Empire, the Grand Inquisitor reveals that the Republic has been reformed into the inaugural Galactic Empire. The Grand Inquisitor clarifies that the Emperor requires their assistance to restore order. They will be granted membership in the order if they prove their worth in the task set for the day.

The Grand Inquisitor dismisses the recruits to their assigned quarters, cautioning them against leaving until their next meeting. Ahmar informs Dante in their cell that they should escape, arguing that the Inquisitorius is hardly an improvement over the Jedi. Ahmar then leaves the cell. Offee expresses her disagreement, but Ahmar questions why they should heed her. Dante worries that the others will be punished if he departs. Ahmar declares that he is unconcerned about his former colleagues.


Later, the Fourth Sister and a contingent of Clone troopers escort them to a training area, where they encounter the Grand Inquisitor, who announces that Ahmar has died in an "accident." Dante claims that he had attempted to warn Ahmar. The Grand Inquisitor concurs with Dante and instructs the Fourth Sister to take him away. He then guides Offee into a turbolift, which descends to another training room. A table displays several lightsabers. The Grand Inquisitor discusses the limitations of Jedi training, which he believes restricts one's potential.

The Grand Inquisitor instructs Offee to choose a lightsaber and engage him in combat. Offee is hesitant because he is unarmed but does as she is told. She ignites a green lightsaber and attempts to strike him multiple times. The Inquisitor points out her hesitation and asks her to try again. Offee makes another attempt, but the Grand Inquisitor states that she is still fighting like a Jedi and urges her to become more aggressive. As the sparring continues, Offee fights with increasing aggression. The Grand Inquisitor evades her attacks and strikes her in the face. Sensing her anger, he encourages her to persist before disarming her by using the Force to hurl her against the ceiling. As Offee gets back to her feet, blood trickles from her nose. When the Grand Inquisitor mocks her about mercy, she uses the Force to throw him against a wall. The Grand Inquisitor expresses satisfaction with her development.

Final test

Later, Clone troopers escort Offee to another training room featuring a deep pit. The Grand Inquisitor and Fourth Sister observe from an observation platform. Dante then enters the room. The Grand Inquisitor expresses satisfaction with their progress but declares that they must compete for a single position within the Inquisitorius ranks.

He throws down a lightsaber. A force field encloses the two of them. Offee tries to reason with Dante, arguing that they don't have to fight. Dante disagrees, picks up the red lightsaber, and declares his embrace of the future. Dante tries to push Offee into the pit, leading to a struggle. Before Dante can strike her down with the lightsaber, Offee uses a Force choke on him, causing him to lose his footing and fall into the pit along with the lightsaber. The Fourth Sister and Grand Inquisitor deem her worthy and induct her into the Inquisitorius, giving her a black helmet.


Later, Offee is wearing the black uniform of the Inquisitorius. In the main hall, she and the Grand Inquisitor are joined by the Fourth Sister, First Brother and the Eleventh Brother. As they kneel, the Grand Inquisitor presents them to their new master, Darth Vader, who is seated on the throne. Lord Vader invites them to rise, while the Grand Inquisitor proclaims, "Long live the Empire." Offee and the other Inquisitors echo the chant. She puts on her helmet.


