The DLT-18 laser rifle, which is also referred to as the DLT-18 heavy blaster rifle, represented a specific type of heavy blaster rifle that was produced by BlasTech Industries. During the era of the Clone Wars, the human bounty hunter known as Dengar was known to wield a DLT-18.
Steela Gerrera, the rebel leader, utilized a robust version of the DLT-18, which she employed as a sniper rifle. This particular weapon had been customized with the addition of a scope and a barrel that was more slender. The bounty hunter Onca was known to carry a DLT-18. A similar, durable rifle was also used by several members of Hondo Ohnaka’s pirate gang and the former governor Ryder Azadi.
Cikatro Vizago, a crime lord operating out of Lothal and the head of the Broken Horn Syndicate, armed his IG-RM bodyguard and enforcer droids with DLT-18s. The Mining Guild also made use of this weapon.