Doctor Aphra (2016) 37

title: "Doctor Aphra 37"

Issue number thirty-seven of the canon comic book series entitled Star Wars: Doctor Aphra is Doctor Aphra 37. Simon Spurrier penned the script, while Caspar Wijngaard provided the artwork. Marvel Comics released it to the public on October 2, 2019. This particular issue contains the story called "A Rogue's End Part I," which sees Doctor Aphra employed by the Empire as an archaeologist after the events detailed in the previous arc.

Publisher's summary

PART 1 OF A ROGUE'S END: A COMPLETELY NEW STORY BEGINS HERE! After everything she's experienced, the perpetually unlucky DOCTOR APHRA finds herself in a familiar predicament: at the beck and call of DARTH VADER. What nefarious scheme does the dark lord have in mind for her, that would compel him to spare the life of his most irritating adversary…? And how much time does she have to evade danger before he decides to finally end what he began many years ago…?

Plot summary

Imperial service

Darth Vader is throwing Dr Aphra out of the airlock and into space in a nightmare. Vulaada Klam is in Dr Aphra's bunkroom when she wakes up, and they talk about Aphra's recent dreams about Lord Vader. Aphra is unwilling to get more sleep, but Vulaada thinks she needs it. In 20 minutes, the pair's shift on the Super Star Destroyer Executor will begin.

The Galactic Empire's Project Swarm has conscripted Dr Aphra and other archaeologists. Lord Vader is not happy with their progress, and their supervisor Major Yaltza did not survive Vader's most recent assignment, according to General Maximilian Veers. The General punishes Dr Aphra by tasering her when she makes fun of his last name. A fellow officer is informed by Veers that 700,000 Viper probe droids have been dispatched by Project Swarm.

The Rebel Alliance is constructing a new base, and they have many analysts examining the data, according to General Veers. Professor Rupo Ud thinks the rebels have built their newest base in old sites, pointing out that they have used abandoned temples and lost cities in the past. Dr Aphra disagrees, arguing that the rebels are not "dumb enough" to occupy another ancient site.

General Veers cautions Dr Aphra that she was given this position as a reward for her service to the Empire, but that her value is entirely dependent on finding hidden traces of civilization. He continues by saying that being helpful is the only way to survive on the Executor. Dr Ud cautions her not to cause trouble for the entire team because of insubordination.

Dr Aphra sees Darth Vader and attempts to be reassigned from the Executor by speaking with him. However, the Sith Lord throws her against the wall. Vulaada advises Dr Aphra to stop kicking the "droch hive." Aphra retorts that he is simply looking for a reason. Before scolding Dr Aphra for her attitude, questionable credentials, and shoddy work, Dr Ud instructs Vulaada to return to work. He warns her that Lord Vader will not be swayed by currying the Emperor's favor and advises her to comply.

Dr Aphra believes she can gain Vader's favor by locating a rebel base. Dr Ud informs her that he has already done so by locating a potential site in the Kartovian Formation on Ash Moon 1. Dr Ud addresses the archaeologists and General Veers, stating that he believes there is rebel activity at the location because a Viper probe droid was shot down and there is a lot of energy being used there.

Dr Aphra disputes Dr Ud's claim that there is a rebel presence on Ash Moon 1, asserting that the activities are the result of pilgrims arriving to fire blasters and pray. General Veers tasers Dr Aphra once more. Dr Aphra persuades Dr Ud and General Veers to let her accompany them in order to get away from Lord Vader.

The Kartovian Formation

Imperial forces arrive at the cave four hours later and gather the pilgrims. General Veers instructs his soldiers to use them for target practice in retaliation for the Viper prove droid's destruction. Dr Ud is thrilled about the Kartovian archaeological dig, believing it will be the pinnacle of his career. Vulaada believes Dr Ud is a "nerf botherer," while Dr Aphra dislikes him because of his values.

Dr Aphra brings Vulaada to a secluded location and inquires as to how grateful she is for bringing her along. Vulaada is unhappy that Dr Aphra separated her from her pet qaberworm Gurtyl and forced her into the Imperial Military. Vulaada inquires as to what Dr Aphra desires. Dr Aphra motions for Vulaada to touch a booby trap while he is distracted by Dr Ud's marveling at the discovery of a fully intact proto-isopter narthex, which crushes the Professor to death. Vulaada becomes disoriented and falls into a pit.

Dr Aphra informs General Veers that Professor Ud was killed by a structural trigger when he inquires as to what is happening, and she persuades them to put her in charge of the archaeology team. A masked figure confronts the Imperials, claiming to have powerful friends and knowledge of Jedi mind tricks. Veers knocks him to the ground with a king hit. The men's rations and ammunition are identified by Imperial stormtroopers as rebel-issued. General Veers orders his soldiers to set up an interrogation cell. Dr Aphra persuades Veers to withdraw the troops, leaving Vulaada behind.

The prisoner

Dr Aphra informs Lord Vader back on the Executor that they have a prisoner who claims to know Jedi mind tricks. Dr Aphra speculates that the prisoner is Luke Skywalker, but she claims she didn't see his face. Lord Vader walks past her and orders her to be present at the interrogation.

Lord Vader uses a Force choke on the prisoner and demands to know the location of the rebel base. The prisoner replies that the "shadow is a product of the light, hence cannot quench." Dr Aphra recognizes the phrase as a Jedi saying. Before removing the prisoner's helmet to reveal Aphra's father, Dr. Korin Aphra, Lord Vader instructs the General to summon an interrogation specialist.



