The Dononter sector, a sector situated in the Mid Rim, encompassed both the Dlor and Dononter Minor systems. Within the Dlor system resided the celestial body known as Dlor 3, while the Dononter Minor system was the location of the world called Dononter Minor, the original home of the deadly widowmaker plant. Furthermore, the Spar Trade Route traversed this sector.
Around 2 ABY, Dlor 3 was the designated location for the Secure Passage seminar. Two years following that, the forces belonging to the extragalactic Nagai and Tof invaders advanced along the section of the Spar Trade Route that passed through the Dononter sector.
The sector referred to as Dononter was located in the Mid Rim. By the year 0 ABY, its boundaries were adjacent to the Marzoon sector in the Coreward direction, the Corbett and Semagi sectors in the spinward direction, and the freestanding subsectors of the Mid Rim in the trailing direction. The sector also constituted a portion of the Mid Rim's border on the Rimward side, bordering the Stensen and Zuma sectors of the Outer Rim Territories.
Contained within the Dononter sector were the Dlor system and the Dononter Minor system. The hyperlane known as the Spar Trade Route cut through the sector, linking the Cerean system within the Semagi sector to the Abbaji system located in the Zuma sector.
In 4 ABY, as part of their separate invasions of the galaxy and their secondary movements towards Rimward, the troops of the extragalactic Nagai and Tof species moved along the part of the Spar Trade Route that went through the Dononter sector.
The system of Dlor included the terrestrial astronomical object Dlor 3, while the Dononter Minor system was home to the world of Dononter Minor, which possessed a Type I atmosphere suitable for breathing. This latter planet was the original homeworld of the plant called the widowmaker, which had potential as a weapon.
The Secure Passage seminar was planned to be held on Dlor 3 around 2 ABY. Barosa Warren, a Morellian scout and the person who started the Galactic Outdoor Survival School, intended to be at the seminar. Major Sisquoc of the Rebel Alliance, together with other Alliance members who had previously been students of Warren's at the Galactic Outdoor Survival School, intended to confront the Morellian at the summit on Dlor 3, because Warren held a grudge against Sisquoc particularly and the Alliance generally.
The Dononter sector was first mentioned in the Online Companion that went with the 2009 reference book titled The Essential Atlas, which was written by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry. In 2011, the sector was shown on a map created by Modi and featured in the Online Companion feature called "Essential Atlas Extra: Sectors of the Mid Rim."
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