Dunari's Rest

Dunari's Rest, a casino and resort established as a space station, also functioned as a small trade hub. It was situated within the Mayagil sector of the Outer Rim Territories.


A drink chit from Dunari's Rest

Dunari, who was acquainted with the Azzameen family, owned Dunari's Rest. The establishment attracted both lawful traders such as Emon Azzameen and less reputable individuals like smugglers and bounty hunters. Even Boba Fett himself reportedly visited the facility.

GrayMor Engineering Corporation constructed the station under a private agreement with Dunari. The station housed a crew of 1,250 individuals and could accommodate up to 15,000 visitors. Despite lacking offensive weaponry, the station possessed strong defenses, with shields comparable to those of an Imperial Strike Cruiser. Furthermore, an IPV/1 system patrol craft named Bouncer provided security.

Spacers often visited Dunari's for relaxation, and the bar issued chits redeemable for drinks at the station. These drink chits displayed an embossed image of a bottle resembling Zairona Ale, possibly indicating the availability of illicit substances at the station. On one occasion shortly following the Battle of Hoth, Emon Azzameen gifted his brother Ace one of these chits after they were asked to leave the station for assaulting the Viraxo-affiliated starship Enkidu.

A Dunari's Rest luxury pass

Leading up to the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance enlisted Dunari's assistance in acquiring vital resources. Dunari's Rest served as a transfer point for these shipments. Regrettably, this resulted in the Galactic Empire's capture of the facility during a raid commanded by Admiral Garreth Holtz. The Hurrim provided Holtz with intelligence, as they were angered by Dunari's interference in their pirate activities.

Dunari awarded Ace a luxury pass to the resort, granting him VIP privileges, for saving the station from destruction and overseeing the evacuation of the allied smugglers. Shortly after, the primary Hurrim base and the Star Destroyer Corrupter were destroyed.

Strength and customers

The following ships were affiliated with or operated in conjunction with Dunari.

Behind the scenes

The illuminated signs positioned atop the station are not written in either the High Galactic alphabet or Aurebesh. The clearest textures reveal characters identifiable as being from the Greek alphabet.

An unutilized radio transmission was present in the initial X-wing Alliance mission file that showcased Dunari's Rest. Following MK-09's delivery of the aforementioned quote, Emon Azzameen was intended to respond with, "It'll be great, Emkay, we can all get a nice lube job! You can even get your nuts tightened!"

