The stealth ship represents an experimental IPV-2C Stealth Corvette design. It was created as a prototype for the Republic Navy during the era of the Clone Wars. Notably, the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker utilized this vessel to successfully penetrate the blockade established by Admiral Trench around the planet Christophsis.
Sienar Design Systems originally conceived and engineered the stealth ship for service within the Navy of the Galactic Republic. Its design featured a triangular configuration, a modular hull structure, and an overall length of 99.7 meters (equivalent to 327 feet).
During its operational tenure with the Republic, the stealth ship lacked a hyperdrive system. Consequently, it was designed to be transported within the hangar bay of a Venator-class Star Destroyer.
Shortly following the Battle of Geonosis, amidst the Clone Wars conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Separatist forces invaded and subsequently seized control of the Outer Rim Territories planet known as Christophsis. Anticipating a retaliatory response from the Republic, the Separatists deployed a substantial armada, consisting of thirty warships, under the command of Harch Admiral Trench, to establish a blockade around the planet. Simultaneously, on the planet's surface, General Worm Loathsom was tasked with eliminating Bail Organa's relief mission. Kenobi gave orders for Skywalker and Yularen to pilot the stealth ship to deliver essential supplies to Senator Organa, who was located on the planet's surface. However, Skywalker defied these instructions and instead attempted a surprise attack on Trench's flagship, the Providence-class Dreadnought named Invincible. He deactivated the ship's cloaking device and launched proton torpedoes towards the Invincible's bridge.
However, the Invincible's thermal shields successfully intercepted and neutralized these attacks. Trench then communicated via open channels, stating that he had previously encountered stealth ships. Skywalker then contacted Kenobi from the stealth ship. Kenobi then investigated Admiral Trench's military history, uncovering the fact that Trench could track cloaked vessels by their magnetic signatures. The stealth ship launched four more torpedoes. As the cloaking devices were reactivating, the Invincible locked onto the ship's magnetic signature. The Invincible then deactivated its own shields and launched tracking torpedoes. Subsequently, the stealth ship deactivated its cloaking system, redirected all available power to its engines, and maneuvered towards the bridge. The missiles impacted the unprotected bridge, leading to the destruction of the Invincible, effectively breaking the blockade and enabling Republic forces to reach the planet's surface.
Years afterward, the design of Wilhuff Tarkin's personal starship, the Carrion Spike, drew inspiration from the stealth ship's architectural blueprint.
The stealth ship made its initial appearance in Cat and Mouse, an episode broadcast in 2010 as part of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 96 asserted that the stealth ship underwent a remodeling process, resulting in its transformation into the Carrion Spike, a vessel inspired by the stealth ship and introduced in the 2014 novel titled Tarkin. However, this assertion contradicts the chronological placement of the ship's appearance in Darth Vader Annual 2. Furthermore, the 2024 reference book Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy explicitly confirmed that the two vessels are distinct entities.