The obscure prediction given by Raana Tey in conjunction with Feln.
The obscure prediction given by Xamar in conjunction with Q'Anilia.
The Rogue Moon Prophecy came about as a result of visions seen by the four Jedi Consulars who comprised the First WatchCircle of the Jedi Covenant. This occurred on the Rogue Moon orbiting Taris in the year 3964 BBY. These Covenant members journeyed to the moon and subsequently foresaw that a Sith Lord garbed in red armor would bring about the destruction of the Jedi Order. Each Jedi master also experienced visions of their own demise at the hands of this figure. Raana Tey had a vision of being engulfed by flames on Taris during the Mandalorian invasion, while Feln foresaw his own death occurring on Odryn. Xamar envisioned leading a Republic fleet against the Mandalorians, only to be fired upon by his own ships, and Q'Anilia witnessed the scene of many dead Jedi while hurrying to save a deceased female Jedi on Coruscant. The Padawans of these Jedi were wearing suits resembling the armor of the Sith in their visions. Consequently, they jumped to the conclusion that one of their apprentices would succumb to the dark side, which ultimately led to the planning and execution of the Padawan Massacre. They drew parallels between this prophecy and the Prophecy of the Five previously seen by their mentor, Krynda Draay, believing their students to be the individuals referenced in that earlier prophecy.
The initial two Jedi masters experienced their predicted deaths in a direct manner. Raana found herself trapped by rubble and attempted to use her lightsaber to escape, but a crimelord misinterpreted her actions as an assault on his friend and detonated the tower beneath her. Feln destroyed both a holy place and the adjacent village, leading to his assassination at the hands of his own subjects. When Admiral Saul Karath requested Xamar join him in blockading Coruscant against the lone survivor of the Padawan Massacre, Xamar feared his prophesied fate and attempted to avert it. However, Xamar was ultimately killed by Admiral Karath's ships while attacking the Draay Estate, fulfilling the prophecy, because Haazen had taken control of the fleet's slave circuits.
The final element of the prophecy came to pass when Q'Anilia took her own life by poisoning herself, believing Krynda to be dead. In her dying moments, Q'Anilia shared the prophecy with Marn Hierogryph. Gryph then realized that he was, in fact, "the Sith" responsible for their deaths, as he had worn the red spacesuit aboard The Last Resort.