Frantis Griss

Frantis Griss was a male human who achieved the rank of admiral within the First Order's military, holding a position in First Order High Command. Furthermore, he was the commanding officer of the fleet assigned to the Steadfast and its associated battlegroup.


Born during the Imperial Era, Frantis Griss was too young to serve in the Empire's military before its fall. However, he gained valuable experience by securing the Unknown Regions for the newly established First Order's exploitation.

Griss participated in the final stages of the First Order's conflict with the Resistance after the battle of Crait. During this period, he became an aide to Allegiant General Enric Pryde, a rival of General Armitage Hux, who benefited from nepotism. Consequently, he was among the select few completely trusted by Pryde. As Pryde's aide, he evaluated operational reports of First Order naval activities and strategically allocated First Order technology, including hyperspace tracking, to benefit the entire fleet.

Admiral Frantis Griss

Following the return of Darth Sidious, Griss was present at a First Order Supreme Council meeting convened by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. Ren outlined his vision to transform the First Order into a "true Empire" by incorporating the Sith Eternal's Final Order fleet, revealed the presence of a spy, and affirmed his continued pursuit of Rey and her allies. Griss also saw General Quinn dismiss the Sith Eternal as a "cult," leading to Ren Force-choking him to prevent the revelation of the Sith Lord's true intentions, as Ren planned to betray him.

Shortly after this meeting, Griss was aboard the Steadfast during its brief stay above Kijimi. An altercation, triggered by Rey and her companions' attempt to infiltrate the ship and rescue Chewbacca, a prominent Resistance figure, resulted in a confrontation between Pryde and Hux, who appeared to have been wounded during the rebels' escape. In reality, Hux was the spy, and the injury was a ruse to maintain his cover. Griss witnessed his superior expose Hux's deception. Pryde then took a blaster from a nearby stormtrooper, executed Hux, and calmly instructed another officer to inform Ren that the spy had been apprehended.

However, shortly after the incursion above Kijimi, Ren experienced a crisis of faith and ultimately, at the urging of his dying mother, returned to the light side of the Force. Consequently, Pryde assumed de facto leadership of the First Order and fully aligned with the Sith Eternal, preparing for a new Sith Empire. After the Allegiant General pledged allegiance to the Emperor and ceded control of the First Order, Griss accompanied his superior aboard the Steadfast to Exegol, the Sith Eternal's stronghold.

Shortly after this formal alliance, a small group of Resistance ships led by Acting General Poe Dameron reached Exegol. This force initiated a desperate delaying action against the vast Sith fleet, hoping to provide time for others to assemble a larger fleet. Griss watched these events unfold alongside Pryde from the Steadfast's bridge as the number of Resistance ships steadily decreased.

However, at the last moment, a ragtag fleet emerged from hyperspace above Exegol: the promised Resistance reinforcements, led by General Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca. Pryde, horrified as he watched the new arrivals begin to decimate the Sith fleet, demanded to know the source of the Resistance's numerous ships. Griss quietly responded that they were not part of any navy, but "just... people."

Sidious briefly disrupted the renewed Resistance assault with Force lightning, disabling the armada, but after his permanent death at the hands of Rey, his granddaughter, the Sith Eternal's defenses were quickly overwhelmed. Shortly after, a turbolaser turret, seized by traitorous stormtroopers General Finn and Jannah, fired upon the bridge of the Steadfast, killing both Pryde and Griss.

Personality and traits

Frantis Griss was a dark-skinned male human characterized by brown eyes and black hair.

Behind the scenes

The role of Griss was played by British actor Geff Francis in the 2019 sequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. His surname was revealed in the film's end credits, where he was listed as "Admiral Griss," while his first name was initially revealed in the companion reference book Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.

