The bodies of Wookiees were completely covered by a coat of thick, wooly hair.
Hair is defined as a collection of pigmented, thread-like filaments that grow from the skin of various species.
Many species possess hair, including humans and Weequays, among others. A dense covering of hair on some creatures is also known as fur. The Wookiees originating from Kashyyyk and the Talz hailing from Orto Plutonia are examples of such species. Hair exhibits a wide spectrum of colors, lengths, and thicknesses. As seen in the case of the human Obi-Wan Kenobi, hair can lose its color as individuals age. In humans, gray hair is a common indicator of getting older. Furthermore, premature graying can be a sign of stress, frequently seen in members of the Resistance.

Hair can be styled in numerous ways, whether for practical reasons or for aesthetic purposes. Sabine Wren, a human expert in weaponry, typically kept her hair short to prevent it from becoming sweaty under her Mandalorian helmet. However, she also used dye to artificially change the color of her hair. In addition to conventional dyes, like the purple substance extracted from the carnivorous Morogian snap plant, there was also a Mon Cal microplankton that could bond with each hair strand, producing a bioluminescent glow. The queens of Naboo were known for sporting elaborate and intricate hairstyles. [Hair gel](/article/hair_gel] is a product that could be used to manage unruly hairs.
A thermal blower could be used to dry hair. Trends sometimes influenced hairstyles. Many women at the Resistance base located on Ajan Kloss adopted Princess Leia's Alderaanian hairstyle, wrapping their hair around their heads in a crown-like fashion. However, Rey didn't think Leia realized she had started a trend.
Following the Duel on Cloud City, Darth Vader became obsessed with finding his son, Luke Skywalker. Instead of finding Luke, he encountered impostors who had grown their hair to resemble Skywalker's and even acquired an astromech droid partner to easily earn money.
Military organizations often have regulations concerning the hairstyles of their officers. For example, the Galactic Republic's military required close-cropped hair. Officers in the Galactic Empire often maintained short haircuts for efficiency, but they were permitted to have longer hair if they kept it pinned back in tight braids.

The First Order also had rules regarding hair length. General Armitage Hux secretly disapproved of Kylo Ren's hairstyle, as it did not comply with the First Order's regulations. Hux, believing that an effective leader should lead by example, considered Ren's long hair an "indignant assault" on his position as Supreme Leader. Hux's disapproval grew to the point where he saw it as a reminder of everything he disliked about Ren, whom he viewed as lacking discipline and military decorum. Hux vowed that if he were to replace Ren as Supreme Leader, his first action would be to force his predecessor to "cut off his hair."
The Nightsisters of Dathomir had the ability to place a curse on someone by creating a waxen effigy of them. To create the effigy, they needed a lock of the intended victim's hair.
Female porgs used hair, fiber, or grass to construct their nests.
Range trooper armor featured large pads of white fur on the shoulders and lining the interior of the kama to keep the troopers warm on planets with cold climates, such as Vandor.