The third episode of Star Wars: Visions Volume 2, titled "In the Stars," debuted on May 4, 2023 via the streaming service Disney+. Punkrobot Studios, an animation studio located in Chile, produced the short, with Gabriel Osorio serving as director. Inspiration for the short came from the art and culture of the indigenous people of Patagonia in southern Chile. The Galactic Empire functions as an allegory for the colonial oppression experienced by Chileans, while the connection between the sisters Koten and Tichina and the Force symbolizes the people's connection to nature and their shared history.
The episode begins with Tichina, a young girl, observing the cloud-covered stars. She notices glowing mushrooms that emit light into the night sky before withering. A TIE fighter equipped with a green searchlight approaches. Tichina attempts to use her Force powers to attack the starfighter, but her older sister, Koten, intervenes and pushes her out of the way.
Tichina questions Koten's actions, but Koten responds that she almost got hit. The sisters continue their journey through a desolate, rocky landscape covered in snow. Later, Koten cautions Tichina about conserving their water supply. Tichina still desires to honor their mother's memory by visiting her memorial stone. At the stone, she mixes water with a container of mystical golden powder, causing the rock paintings to come to life.
Tichina reminds Koten that their mother told them they inherited her powers. She recalls their happy life before the arrival of the Galactic Empire, represented by an Imperial Star Destroyer. Imperial forces exploited their planet for its minerals, diverted their water for industrial use, and polluted the environment with chemicals. To protect them, their mother hid them before leading a rebellion against the Empire. Despite her Force abilities, Koten reminds Tichina that their mother was no match for the Empire and died.
Tichina believes their mother became a star along with the other rebels and that she and Koten are the last of their kind. Koten expresses her anger towards their mother for abandoning them. Tichina believes they are not alone, but Koten disagrees. The rock drawings vanish. Tichina claims she can feel her behind all that smoke. As the paintings disappear, Koten explains that the paint fades away without starlight. Koten reassures Tichina that she is there for her and will protect her from harm. She offers Tichina her share of water, but the container is empty.
Koten decides to retrieve water from a nearby Imperial facility located near a lake, planning to infiltrate the site. Tichina wants to accompany her, but Koten believes she is strong enough to confront the Empire alone. Tichina grabs Koten's oar and knocks her down. Koten retaliates, grabbing the oar and causing Tichina to fall. Tichina insists she can help with her Force powers, claiming she is like her mother. Koten disagrees, stating that such recklessness is dangerous. She reminds Tichina that she will always get the water while Tichina stays hidden. Koten rows away, leaving a sulking Tichina behind.
Under the cover of darkness, Koten rows her boat to the edge of the Imperial complex. She sneaks in through a large drain that leads into the factory. Koten ascends a tall circular platform to reach a deep well filled with fresh water and begins draining water into a cylindrical tank. Suddenly, klaxons sound. Using her macrobinoculars, she discovers that Tichina has disobeyed her and has been captured by two Imperial factory workers.
Koten attacks the two Imperial workers with her electrostaff, knocking them unconscious. After scolding Tichina, they attempt to retreat through the drain but are blocked by several Snowtroopers. They escape up a mechanical pulley system, fleeing further into the factory. Koten incapacitates several workers with her electrostaff but is struck by a worker wielding an electric wrench. Tichina rushes to her sister's defense, knocking down a guard. A second guard tries to subdue Koten with his electric wrench, but Tichina stuns him with an electric wrench she stole. Koten attributes it to luck, but Tichina claims it was their mother's strength that aided their escape.
The two sisters flee from the pursuing snowtroopers by ascending a pulley system to a walkway. They jump onto mechanical carts. Inside the factory control room, a female Imperial officer expresses surprise that the native people survived and deactivates the pulley system. They climb up the carts, which are carrying molten metal. Tichina wants to continue fighting, but Koten insists they have accomplished their mission.
Defying her sister, Tichina jumps onto the factory floor and attempts to use her Force powers to destroy the facility. However, she is captured by several snowtroopers. The Imperial officer confronts her and demands to know her intentions. Tichina declares that this is their land. The officer retorts that the planet's resources belong to the Empire. Koten watches in horror as a snowtrooper attempts to throw Tichina over the edge. Koten intervenes, attacking several snowtrooper sentries with her electrostaff. Despite taking down three, she is unable to prevent the snowtrooper from throwing Tichina over the edge.
However, Tichina manages to slow her fall with the Force. Koten pulls her sister to safety. The Imperial officer deploys an AT-ST walker against the sisters. The two sisters decide to fight back. They use their Force powers to collapse a giant metal tank containing water. The Imperial officer and her snowtroopers are caught in a flood that destroys the factory and washes away the Imperial forces. The two sisters survive the flood, with Koten carrying her sister to safety.
The next morning, Tichina awakens and tells her sister that she believed they could defeat them. Koten agrees and embraces her sister. With the Imperial factory destroyed, the sisters witness the glowing stars, which cause the vegetation to glow luminously. Their mother's stone glows luminously with hands and paintings. Tichina says that their Mom was there and looks right. Koten agrees, stating that her sister was right and that they will never be alone.