Kai's Bad Day

title: "Kai's Bad Day"

"Kai's Bad Day" represents the second segment featured within the ninth episode of the Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures animated series. Its debut occurred on August 2, 2023, via the Disney+ streaming platform.

Official description

A simple mission's failure only makes Kai's already difficult day even worse.

Plot summary

A bad start

Kai Brightstar is jolted awake by his alarm, he comes to the realization that he has woken up later than intended. He quickly dresses and dashes from the bedroom they all share. Arriving at the Tenoo Jedi Temple's courtyard, he discovers the other Jedi Initiates have already departed without him. Lys Solay then contacts him using a holoprojector, inquiring about his whereabouts and reminding Brightstar that he was scheduled to accompany them on a journey to the lava fields situated on the planet Tiss'ell. Brightstar explains that he overslept and therefore missed the transport. He voices his frustration, declaring it a terrible start to the day.

Solay attempts to console him by suggesting the trip won't be enjoyable, however Nubs seems to be having fun. Solay clarifies to Nubs that she made the statement to prevent Brightstar from feeling distressed. Brightstar forces a smile and announces his intention to train. While training with a remote droid, Brightstar is unexpectedly struck in the rear by a laser blast. Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna questions Kai about his absence from the trip with the other younglings and Dee. Brightstar explains that he woke up late, causing him to miss the transport. Brightstar expresses his dissatisfaction with his training and concludes that the day is already proving to be unpleasant.

Mission to Tatooine

Master Zanna offers comfort, assuring Brightstar that even she experiences challenging days. She shares that during such times, she heeds her master's guidance to concentrate on the positive aspects. Brightstar struggles to identify any positive elements, given that he missed his transport and his training is not progressing smoothly. Zanna decides to provide him with a positive focus by assigning him a mission involving a hyperspace prospector named Mycho Zala, whom she describes as a friend to the Jedi. Zala is stranded on a remote planet known as Tatooine and requires a replacement hyperdrive capacitor to complete his scouting mission in the Outer Rim Territories. Zanna entrusts Brightstar with delivering a spare capacitor to Zala, mentioning that Nash Durango and RJ-83 will provide transportation for him. Brightstar agrees to undertake the mission to Tatooine.

Brightstar aids Durango in loading the capacitor onto the Crimson Firehawk, but he injures his foot in the process. Brightstar reminds himself to concentrate on something positive. Showing sympathy for her friend, Durango retrieves a cold compress for Brightstar. Subsequently, the trio embarks on a journey to Tatooine aboard the Firehawk. During their descent onto the desert planet, Durango observes the lack of visual variety, noting the abundance of sand. Brightstar complains about visiting a desert planet, but Durango attempts to reassure him that there will be something good to focus on.

Losing the package

To lift Brightstar's spirits, Durango allows him to pilot the Firehawk through a canyon. Brightstar begins to feel more cheerful, but his optimism diminishes as they approach a sandstorm. Durango expresses concern, noting their lack of experience with such severe sandstorms, and instructs Brightstar to activate the stabilizer valves. However, he mistakenly opens the cargo hatch, releasing the hyperspace capacitor intended for Zala. Durango attempts to remain composed and regains control of the ship, hoping to recover the capacitor.

They emerge from the sandstorm and land the ship in the desert. While searching the desert for the lost package, they discover that a group of Jawas have recovered the capacitor and are preparing to load it onto their sandcrawler. Durango and Brightstar express their dismay before approaching the Jawas on a speeder bike. Brightstar and Durango attempt to explain their situation to the Jawas, but the latter only communicate in Jawaese. RJ-83 tries to assist, but the Jawas take interest in the RJ unit. Brightstar asserts their desire to reclaim their package. Interpreting the humans as proposing a trade, the Jawas return the capacitor but seize RJ-83, taking him aboard their sandcrawler. The two humans are unable to prevent the Jawas from departing with RJ-8 in their sandcrawler.

Rescuing RJ-83

Brightstar bemoans the worsening state of the day, but Durango encourages him to concentrate on rescuing RJ and finding something positive. Brightstar acknowledges that at least they have each other and the speeder bike. The two decide to rescue RJ-83. Onboard the sandcrawler, RJ-83 is fitted with a restraining bolt by his Jawa captors. They place him atop a green crate. Brightstar and Durango pursue the sandcrawler. He uses the speeder bike as a launching pad to jump onto the roof of the sandcrawler. After using the Force to leap to the center of the flat roof, he provides Durango with a grappling cable for her to secure to her speeder bike and ascend. The two descend through a hatch into the sandcrawler's storage compartment. Durango is captivated by the spare parts and droids but quickly locates RJ-83. She deactivates the restraining bolt and frees her droid. Before the trio can escape, Brightstar inadvertently knocks over several crates, alerting the Jawas. The Jawas pursue them, but Durango manages to intimidate them by charging and yelling. However, the Jawas summon reinforcements, and they chase her, Brightstar, and RJ-83. Following a brief struggle, the Jawas corner the Younglings and their droid against a chest.

Finding Mycho Zala

When Brightstar mentions Mycho Zala, the Jawa leader recognizes the name. The Jawas begin chanting Mycho Zala, and the children realize that the Jawas intend to take them to him. Later, at Zala's encampment, the alien hyperspace prospector assures the younglings that he will resolve the situation with the Jawas. After conversing with the Jawas in Jawaese, Zala explains that the Jawas believed Durango and Brightstar wanted to trade RJ for the package they discovered. Durango expresses disbelief that they thought she would trade RJ. To compensate for the loss of RJ, Zala provides them with a tool, which pleases the Jawas. Brightstar admits that he initially perceived it as a bad day, but focusing on positive aspects improved the situation.

Brightstar hands Zala the hyperspace capacitor he required. A grateful Zala asks them to convey his thanks to Master Zanna. The Jawas greet the offworlders by saying "Utini."

