Visitor's Day (episode)

"Visitor's Day" marks the initial segment of the tenth episode within the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. Its debut occurred on August 2, 2023, via the Disney+ streaming platform.

Official description

The Jedi are in pursuit of artifacts that were pilfered from the local town fair.

Plot summary

Visitor's Day

The episode commences with Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs assisting Marlaa Jinara, the Chadra-Fan proprietor of a junkyard, in the relocation of a sizable trailer. This trailer contains the Visitor's Day sculpture to the heart of Kublop Springs. The three Jedi Initiates navigate the terrain on speeder bikes. Solay elucidates that Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna has dedicated considerable time to the planning of Visitor's Day. Upon reaching the town center, they encounter Zia alongside various beings hailing from across the galaxy, including Ansen Strung, Braygh, and Slaygh. Zanna then enlists the assistance of the younglings in extending a warm welcome to the visiting guests.

Draiven Bosh, an orange-skinned Moldwarp merchant, divulges to his droids, specifically K-2PL and R4-13, his scheme to abscond with the Visitor's Day sculpture. He tasks K-2PL and R4-13 with the theft of the sculpture, while he engineers a diversion for Master Zanna, the Younglings, and Jinara. Bosh presents himself as a traveler, explorer, and collector. He directs flattery towards Jinara, under the mistaken impression that she is the artist behind the sculpture. Jinara clarifies that she is not the artist, but rather the individual responsible for its assembly, emphasizing that it is a communal creation, with contributions from locals who brought items from their homes. Subsequently, Bosh's droids approach the trailer housing the sculpture.

Bosh extends an invitation to Zanna to view his collection, but she is preoccupied. While departing, Nubs detects an unsettling aura surrounding Bosh. Later, Marlaa reveals her sculpture to the Jedi younglings, only to discover its disappearance. Marlaa expresses her determination to locate it. Brightstar suggests informing Master Zia, but Solay counters that she is already burdened with responsibilities and that they are capable of handling the situation independently. Marlaa opts to remain and survey the square. The younglings deduce that Bosh has departed prematurely and resolve to investigate his hasty exit.

The art heist

Upon arriving at the spaceport, Bosh expresses admiration for the stolen Visitor's Day sculpture, intending to incorporate it into his Outer Rim Collection. The younglings observe him and his droids encasing it within a crate. Solay identifies his actions as theft. Bosh and his droids make their escape on speeders, with the sculpture in tow. The Jedi younglings initiate a pursuit in their own speeders, but Bosh and his droids accelerate.

At Solay's suggestion, Nubs attempts to employ the Force to detach the chain connecting the stolen sculpture's trailer to K-2PL's speeder. However, K-2PL collides with Nub's speeder, causing him to lose control temporarily. Nubs regains control and rejoins the chase. The younglings narrowly avert a collision with a detached fin from the trailer and a crash into a large tree. Bosh, confident in his acquisition, speeds away, leaving the younglings behind.

Solay suggests tracking the trail left by the trailer. The three Jedi younglings follow the trail, which culminates in a large starship situated in a forest clearing. They locate the stolen Visitor's Day sculpture within the crate, but are unable to prevent Bosh's ship from taking off. Solay proposes prioritizing the retrieval of the sculpture and devising a means of escape. Brightstar suggests a collaborative effort to use the Force to lift it. The three younglings manage to move it halfway across the storage bay, but inadvertently trigger Bosh's security system.

Bosh communicates with them via holoprojector. Solay asserts that they will not allow him to escape with the stolen sculpture. Bosh expresses his dissatisfaction with the backwater planet of Tenoo and threatens to abandon them. Following Bosh's termination of the hologram, Solay admits her regret in not seeking assistance from Master Zia, as she believed she could handle Bosh independently, given their past successes against pirates and other adversaries. Solay expresses embarrassment at the prospect of asking for help, but Brightstar reassures her that she has already contributed significantly to Visitor’s Day, emphasizing that everyone, including Jedi, requires assistance at times. Nubs concurs.

Fighting back

Solay establishes contact with Zanna via holoprojector, informing her of Bosh's theft of the Visitor's Day sculpture and their stowaway status aboard his ship. Solay requests her assistance. Zanna confirms that she has a log of their comm signal and is en route, instructing the younglings to distract Bosh. Subsequently, Bosh lands the ship in a forest clearing and enters the storage bay. Brightstar and Nubs attempt to flatter Bosh by feigning interest in his stolen art collection. Solay pretends to disagree, prompting Bosh to defend his actions. Bosh boasts of acquiring masterpieces from across the galaxy.

Solay accuses him of stealing everything, including the Visitor’s Day sculpture. Bosh denies being a common thief, asserting that the artifacts are safer in his possession than with their previous owners. Brightstar and Nubs join in, highlighting that Bosh has amassed his art collection through theft. Bosh loses his composure and orders K-2PL and R4-13 to remove them from his ship. To create a diversion, Solay seizes an Alderaanian royal silver vase and ascends atop a crate. She tosses the vase towards Brightstar, who catches it. He then engages in a "cat and mouse" game with the droids, eventually landing on top of R4-13's dome. Brightstar tosses the vase to Nubs, who plays with it until he is captured by K-2PL.

Bosh expresses gratitude to the droids, but Master Zia utilizes her lightsaber to breach the ship's hull. Zanna confronts Bosh, asserting that he possesses something that does not belong to him. K-2PL releases Nubs, and the droids scatter. Zanna challenges Bosh regarding his stolen goods, which Solay adds includes his entire collection. Under Bosh's command, R4-13 activates the ship's engines, causing it to tilt upwards in an attempt to eject the Jedi. While the Jedi are ejected, Bosh loses several crates of his stolen collection. Bosh expresses his displeasure with his droids, but K-2PL retorts that he instructed them to take action.

Recovering the stolen sculpture

The final crate to fall out contains the stolen Visitor's Day statue. Master Zia and her younglings employ their Force abilities to cushion its descent and ensure a safe landing nearby. As he departs, Bosh vows revenge and reaffirms his commitment to completing his collection. Following the escape, Zanna inquires about the well-being of her younglings. Solay expresses remorse for requesting assistance. Zanna places her arms on Solay and reassures her that she made the right decision in seeking help, affirming her unwavering support.

When Solay points out Bosh's escape, Zanna expresses relief at the recovery of the stolen sculpture and states that they will address the remaining issues upon his return. When Nubs retrieves the Alderaanian vase, Solay inquires about the possibility of returning the objects to their rightful owners. Zanna responds that this will be a mission in itself.

Subsequently, Solay unveils the Visitor's Day sculpture with the consent of Zanna and Jinara. Solay delivers a brief address, informing the crowd that Bosh attempted to steal the sculpture, but that she successfully retrieved it with assistance. She reminds the residents of Kublop Springs that their town is characterized by mutual support. The crowd erupts in cheers as a tree-like sculpture is revealed.

