
Located within the Colonies region, Ketz was a moon covered in jungle terrain. This celestial body was the native habitat for a unique species of avian hybrids known as loralora birds. During 34 ABY, a loralora bird originating from Ketz was offered for sale at Bina's Creature Stall, a business situated in Batuu, which is a planet found in the Outer Rim. By 35 ABY, Artiodac chef Strono "Cookie" Tuggs journeyed to this jungle moon to obtain one of these birds, subsequently utilizing it in the creation of Aromatic Loralora Wings, a dish featured in his cookbook.


Ketz, a moon characterized by its jungle environment, resided within both the Colonies region and the Interior. Its coordinates on the Standard Galactic Grid placed it in grid square K-13. It served as the homeworld for the loralora bird, an uncommon species of avian hybrids.


Aromatic Loralora Wings, a dish made from Ketz loralora birds

Around the time of the First Order-Resistance War, some loralora birds were transported to the Outer Rim planet Batuu by members of the Ketzalian species, who used them for trade in exchange for golden lichen. During 34 ABY, a single loralora bird one from Ketz was available for purchase at Bina's Creature Stall, located in the Black Spire Outpost settlement on Batuu. Volt Vescuso, an employee at the stall, attempted to secure a sale by informing several onlookers about the loralora bird and its place of origin. In that same year, Eloc Throno, a historian and author, featured Ketz on a map within his Batuu guidebook titled Traveler's Guide to Batuu.

The Artiodac chef Strono "Cookie" Tuggs eventually became aware of the deliciousness of the loralora bird's meat and tried to buy one from Bina's Creature Stall on Batuu. However, his attempt was unsuccessful because the bird escaped from its cage during a street altercation. Bina later told Tuggs that the loralora birds came from Ketz, which prompted the chef to journey to the jungle moon in order to acquire another. After investing a considerable amount of time and resources to get a loralora during his visit to Ketz, the Artiodac developed a recipe for Aromatic Loralora Wings, deeming his efforts worthwhile. In 35 ABY, Tuggs documented his journey to Ketz and included the recipe in his cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Ketz occurred in A Crash of Fate, a young-adult novel from 2019 penned by Zoraida Córdova. The 2020 reference book Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu, authored by Cole Horton, mistakenly identifies Ketz as a planet.

