Lando - Double or Nothing 1

Lando - Double or Nothing #1 represents the inaugural issue of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Lando - Double or Nothing. This issue was penned by Rodney Barnes, with illustrations provided by Paolo Villanelli, and it saw its release on May 30, 2018 through Marvel Comics.

Publisher's Synopsis

_Emerging directly from the scenes of the eagerly awaited film SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY is a younger, and arguably more self-assured, Lando Calrissian! This narrative explores Lando's escapades and misfortunes in his pursuit of affection and wealth, setting the stage for his appearance in SOLO, predating his involvement with the Rebellion, his stewardship of Cloud City, and even the loss of the Millennium Falcon!

Synopsis of the Story

Plotting a Revolt

The people of Kullgroon are forced to work for the Empire

Aboard the Millennium Falcon, Lando Calrissian was devising strategies to enhance the ship using the credits he had acquired, while L3-37 was endeavoring to persuade him to allocate those credits towards the ship's defensive and communication capabilities. Lando grew weary of attempting to reason with an unconvinced L3 that it was for his Calrissian Chronicles, a claim she dismissed.

On the planet of Kullgroon, Rythus commandeered the head of a KX-series security droid to communicate with his daughter, Kristiss. He informed her that the stormtrooper security presence would be reduced in three days, presenting an opportunity to overpower them and secure their freedom, provided they could acquire the necessary armaments. Kristiss assured her father that they would obtain the weapons in due course. Turning to one of her associates, she remarked that this undertaking would be significantly more challenging than any prior endeavor, necessitating the recruitment of assistance.

A New Assignment

On Batuv, Lando was in the midst of a discussion about capes with Borkus when they were approached by a cloaked figure. The figure revealed herself to be Kristiss, who requested Lando's assistance in smuggling weapons to her people to facilitate their liberation from Imperial occupation. Lando initially declined the offer, citing the risk of becoming a target for the Empire. Undeterred, Kristiss proposed buying him a drink in exchange for a referral. During their conversation at the bar, Brushaun accosted Lando, attempting to seize his cape. Brushaun accused Lando of cheating in a card game on Canto Bight and threatened his life as he was being forcibly removed. Lando and Kristiss departed, with Lando indicating that he would consider the proposition. Kristiss kissed Lando and gave him until morning to make his decision.

The Millennium Falcon fighting off TIE fighters

Returning to the Millennium Falcon, Lando and L3 deliberated on whether to accept the job. L3 persuaded Lando that it presented an ideal opportunity to settle debts and contribute to a worthy cause. Lando invited Kristiss aboard the Falcon, but stipulated that no members of her group were permitted to accompany her. Kristiss subjected Lando to a barrage of inquiries and attempted to negotiate a lower fee. Lando remained firm, prompting Kristiss to storm off. However, as she departed, the ship came under attack by TIE fighters. Lando raced through the ship to engage the TIE fighters, while L3 piloted the vessel. As they approached a moon, the shields began to fail. Lando instructed L3 to circle the moon and execute a complete drop. L3 instructed Kristiss to fasten her seatbelt as she maneuvered towards the moon. During the complete drop, Lando secured a clear shot at the TIE fighters and eliminated the remaining two. An elated Lando rejoined L3 and Kristiss in the cockpit, anticipating accolades, but L3 informed him that they faced more pressing concerns as they neared Kullgroon.


Various Printings

  • UPC 759606088515; May 30 , 2018 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00111; Cover A; W. Scott Forbes 00121; Cover B; Joe Quinones 00131; Cover C; Lucasfilm Ltd. 00151; Cover D; John Tyler Christopher 00161; Cover E; Lucasfilm Ltd.

