Legacy 7, the seventh installment in the new Star Wars: Legacy comic book series, continues the unfolding narrative.
Ania Solo and Imperial Knight Jao, driven by a disturbing premonition of Empress Fel's assassination by a Sith Lord, defy explicit instructions. They embark on a mission to locate the Sith responsible for the impending murder. This decision not only aligns with their sense of justice but also satisfies their craving for thrilling escapades!
After uncovering Darth Wredd's scheme to target Empress Marasiah Fel, the youthful Imperial Knight Jao Assam and his companion, the junk dealer Ania Solo, set off to pursue the renegade Sith. However, their path is blocked by an unexpected figure: Jao's mentor, Master Yalta Val. Master Val attempts to dissuade Jao, reminding him of their duty to follow orders and trust in the Force to protect the Empress. Following a short confrontation with Val's Stormtroopers, Master Val permits the pair to depart but cautions Jao about his perceived selfishness. Simultaneously, on Coruscant, Admiral Gar Stazi and Empress Fel discuss the widespread lawlessness plaguing the Calamari sector and the difficult situation of the Mon Calamari species.
Traveling aboard a stolen shuttle, Jao and Ania resolve to find Dieben, Darth Wredd's Nalydian accomplice, who represents their last known link to Darth Wredd's location. They soon discover that Dieben has been sent back to his home planet, Nalyd, to be punished for his numerous offenses. Upon learning that Dieben is scheduled for a public execution, the two companions try to persuade the Nalydian authorities to allow them to speak with him. When their request is denied, Ania stages a "rescue" of Dieben and hijacks a Nalydian giant spider. After a lengthy chase, Ania, Jao, and Dieben crash into a swamp. While Ania survives the impact, Dieben is fatally wounded by a sharp plant. Even in his final moments, Dieben refuses to reveal any information about Darth Wredd. Shortly thereafter, they are met by several Nalydian guards who inform them that they will not be taking him back to Dac, which is the poisoned homeworld of the Mon Calamari.
During a delivery mission to Iego, the Mon Calamari engineer Sauk confides in the assassin droid AG-37 about his lingering sorrow over leaving his home planet of Dac. As a young engineer, Sauk possessed a strong desire for adventure and sought an apprenticeship off-world. Sauk struggles to cope with the trauma of losing his family and his homeworld during the One Sith genocide against the Mon Calamari. AG-37 reveals to Sauk that the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards were not completely destroyed. Back on Coruscant, Empress Fel is informed of Ania and Jao's escape from the Animus. She instructs Master Val and Antares Draco to apprehend Ania and accuses Jao of desertion, a crime punishable by death within the Imperial Knights.