LEGO Star Wars Movie Short

The LEGO group, see their page, has created several short Star Wars films. These shorts typically showcase various LEGO Star Wars sets and can be found on the LEGO Star Wars website.

First Season

The initial offering was a collection of comic books set during the era of the Clone Wars.

Second Season

  • The meaning of surrender is unknown to clones
  • Do clones have dreams about Electric Mynocks?
  • Clone troopers always follow their directives
  • A clone's identity doesn't change the clone
  • Clones have galaxy-wide recognition
  • Clone troopers are skilled negotiators
  • All clones eventually reach their end

Third Season

The third season of these comics presented two distinct versions of five episodes: one from the Light Side perspective and another from the Dark Side.

  • Day 1 (Good guy version)
  • Day 1 (Bad guy version)
  • Day 38: The Frozen Planet of Orto Plutonia (Good guy version)
  • Day 38: The Frozen Planet of Orto Plutonia (Bad guy version)
  • Day 47: Jedi Prisoner (Good guy version)
  • Day 47: Jedi Prisoner (Bad guy version)
  • Day 59: A Grievous Situation (Good guy version)
  • Day 59: A Grievous Situation (Bad guy version)
  • Jedi Journal Entry #968 (Good guy version)
  • Bounty Log #968 (Bad guy version)

Fourth Season

The fourth season offered two perspectives for each of its five episodes, a Good version and a Bad version. The story revolves around a bounty hunter's attempt to steal a Jedi holocron.

  • Episode 1 (Good guy version)
  • Episode 1 (Bad guy version)
  • Episode 2 (Good guy version)
  • Episode 2 (Bad guy version)
  • Episode 3 (Good guy version)
  • Episode 3 (Bad guy version)
  • Episode 4 (Good guy version)
  • Episode 4 (Bad guy version)
  • Episode 5 (Good guy version)
  • Episode 5 (Bad guy version)

Fifth Season

  • Rebel troopers fighting stormtroopers on Endor
  • The search for the droids
  • Conflict on Geonosis
  • The Death Star
  • General Grievous
  • A Clone Wars engagement
  • The Galactic War battle on Alderaan
  • A Galactic War conflict
  • The rescue from Jabba's Palace
  • The battle at the Pit of Carkoon


  • Umbara - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 1 Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Umbara - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 1 Part 2 - Webisode on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Rancor Pit - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 2 Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Rancor Pit - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 2 Part 2 - Webisode on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Barc Speeder - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 3 Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Barc Speeder - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 3 Part 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Sith Sled - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 4 Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Sith Sled - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 4 Part 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • A-Wing Starfigther - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • A-Wing Starfigther - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Clones vs Droidekas - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 6 Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Clones vs Droidekas - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 6 Part 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars ™ - Headhunter - Episode 7 Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • HeadHunter - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 7 Part 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Corellian Defender - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 8, Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Corellian Defender - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 8 Part 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO Star Wars - Corellian Defender Episode 8 Part 3 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Sail Barge - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 9 Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Sail Barge - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 9 Part 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Corporate Alliance Tank Droid vs. Homing Spider Droid - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 10, Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Corporate Alliance Tank Droid vs. Homing Spider Droid - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 10, Part 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Yoda vs. Dooku - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 11 Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Yoda vs. Dooku - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 11 Part 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • AT-TE - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 12 Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • AT-TE - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 12 Part 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Jek-14 Ship - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 13 Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Jek-14 Ship - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 13 Part 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Jek-14 Ship - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 13 Part 3 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Jek-14 Ship - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 13 Part 4 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Mandalorian Speeder Part 1 - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 14 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Mandalorian Speeder Part 2 - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 14 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)


Tactical Core:

  • "Tactical Core - Coruscant" - LEGO Star Wars on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars™ "Tactical Core: Space" on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars™ "Tactical Core- Utapau" on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars™"Tactical Core -Outerkashyyk" on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars™ "Tactical Core - Mygeeto" on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars™ "Tactial Core- Kashyyyk" on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars™ "Tactical Core- Kashyyyk 2" on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars™ - Tactical Core - "Death Star Gunners" on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars™ - Tactical Core "Star Destroyer" on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars™ - Tactical Core "Tatooine" on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® LEGO® Star Wars™ - Tactical Core "Snowspeeder" on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Tactical Core "Star Destroyer 2" - LEGO Star Wars on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Tactical Core "Snowspeeder 2" - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Tactical Core "B-Wing" - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)


  • Rebels: The Phantom - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Rebels: Saving The Phantom - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Rebels Ghost Story - LEGO Star Wars – 2014 Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)


  • TIE Advance Prototype - LEGO Star Wars Rebels - Episode 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • TIE Advance vs Wookie Gunship - LEGO Star Wars Rebels - Episode 2 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Ezra vs AT-DP - LEGO Star Wars Rebels - Episode 3 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Micro Battle of Hoth - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars: Stormtrooper Firing Range on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Zeb Bo Rifle - LEGO Star Wars Rebels - Demo on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Prequel Battle - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 4 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • T-16 - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 5 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Geonosis Troopers vs Battle Droids - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 6 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Battle of Naboo - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 7 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The Final Duel - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 8 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Anakin vs Asajj - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 9 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Rebel Raw Deal - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 10 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Battle of Hoth - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 11 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Rey's Speeder - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 12 - 2015 Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Introducing Buildable Figures! - LEGO Star Wars - Mini movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Rebels Paint the Town Orange - LEGO Star Wars - Stop Motion on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Poe Dameron vs the First Order Snow Speeder - LEGO Star Wars - Episode 13 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The Force Awakens Buildable Figures - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)


  • Freeze Frame: Master Your Force - LEGO Star Wars - Stop Motion on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Imperial Roadblock - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Constraction - LEGO Star Wars - 2016 Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Jawa Surprise - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Should have used the Force - A powerful way - LEGO Star Wars Web Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Brick Fest of Champions - LEGO Star Wars - Stop Motion on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Wampa Woes - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Snowball Sight - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Teedo Ties a TIE - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Jedi Interceptor - The LEGO Star Wars on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Spider Droid Flip - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Obstacle Course - The LEGO Star Wars on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Star Wars Go Rogue - LEGO Star Wars - Chapter 4 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Force Surprise - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)

Rogue One:

  • Capture the Crate Part 1 - LEGO Star Wars - Rogue One Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Capture the Crate Part 2 - LEGO Star Wars - Rogue One Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Capture the Crate Part 3 - LEGO Star Wars - Rogue One Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)


  • Build To Help: Y-wing Starfighter - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Epic Droid Solo - LEGO Star Wars - May the 4th - #LEGODroidDays on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO Star Wars - Cool Your Jets Boba Fett on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Trench Run - LEGO Star Wars - May the 4th on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • A-wing Challenge - LEGO Star Wars - Rogue One Green Squadron on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Build to help: X-wing Challenge - LEGO Star Wars - Rogue One Red Squadron on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Death Star-Destroying Machine- LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Star Wars: Rogue One As Told By LEGO - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Anything Yoda Can Do - LEGO Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back - Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO Star Wars - Star Wars 40th Anniversary - #LEGODroidDays on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Star Wars 40th Anniversary - LEGO Star Wars - Tribute to A New Hope on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Microfighter Misadventures - LEGO Star Wars - Mini Movie #Masteryourforce on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Darth Vader Transformation - LEGO Star Wars - Build your story Puppetry on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The Freemaker Adventures: R0-GR's Ugly - LEGO Star Wars - Build your story Puppetry on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Rogue One Infiltration: Part 3 - LEGO Star Wars - Buildable Figures Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Target Practice – LEGO Star Wars – Rogue One Buildable Figures Mini Movie on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)

Should Have Used The Force

  • Tusken Raider Scare - LEGO Star Wars - Should Have Used The Force on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Darth Vader's Transformation - LEGO Star Wars - Should Have Used The Force on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The Freemaker Escape - LEGO Star Wars - Should Have Used The Force on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Speeder Bike Chase - LEGO Star Wars - Should Have Used The Force on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Bounty Hunter Speeder Bike Battle - LEGO Star Wars - Should Have Used The Force on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Rathtar Escape - LEGO Star Wars - Should Have Used The Force on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)


  • Ahch-To Porg Pandemonium - LEGO Star Wars - Should Have Joined Forces on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Defense of Crait - LEGO Star Wars - Should Have Joined Forces on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Kessel Run Millennium Falcon - LEGO Star Wars - Should Have Joined Forces on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Yoda's Hut - LEGO Star Wars - Should Have Joined Forces on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)


Battle Story

  • Death Star Escape - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Breakfast of Champions - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Battle of Naboo - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The Hungry Imperials - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • A Deadly Death Star Eclipse - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Jungle Battle Hi-Jinx - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Escape from Scarif - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Yoda + Wookies = Unstoppable - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Taking out the Trash - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Han Sol-UhOh - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Yoda and Luke in Cloud City - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Princess Leia's Escape Plan - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The One With The Giant Space Slug - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Jabba Jumps Into The Race - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • A Dancefloor Battle in Snoke's Throne Room - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Luke and Leia walk (!) across the Death Star Shaft - LEGO STAR WARS - Stop-Motion Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The Great Tauntaun Escape - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Let Vader Handle It - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Kylo and Rey's Snowball Fight - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Hungry Porg Attack! - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Luke Skymopper - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Luke vs AT-AT - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Plug Battle - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Porgs vs Death Star - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Battle of the Wampa - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • The Great Darth Fall - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • We forgot them - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Yoda and Palpatine Rumble - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Yub Nub to Victory - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Trippin Walkers - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Father Son Time - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Endor is the Key - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Battle on Mustafar - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Banana Split Party - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)


Battle Story

  • Race to the Boss - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Shocking plans - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Pumpkin Pod Race - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Kaz and the TIE fighter - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Made of Cheese - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Great Escape Robot Edition - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Boba Fett on Hoth - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Cookie Bribe - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Escape from Starkiller Base - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • Hoth Flavored Bubblegum - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)


The New Yoda Chronicles Mini Movies

The initial short films are set during the Clone Wars period.

Later shorts are connected to the Escape from the Jedi Temple episode of The New Yoda Chronicles, produced by WilFilm Production and written by Michael Price.

  • on LEGO's official website (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars™ - The Yoda Chronicles: Episode 1, Part 1 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
  • LEGO® Star Wars™ The Yoda Chronicles Episode 4 on the official LEGO YouTube channel (backup link)
