
Lulad, a human touched by the Force, distinguished herself as a Jedi Master within the Jedi Order during the era of the High Republic. She mentored Yarzion Vell, a Jedi Padawan. During a mission to Vell's home planet, Lulad discovered Vell had followed his planet's custom by having her name tattooed on his body, a tribute to his most influential teacher. Embracing this sentiment, she chose to be tattooed with Vell's name, recognizing that the most profound teachings for a Jedi Master arise from their students.

In the year 230 BBY, Lulad's life ended with the destruction of the space station known as Starlight Beacon. After her passing, Kelnacca, another Jedi Master, assumed the role of Vell's mentor. Vell would later share memories of Lulad with Kelnacca and his own Padawan, Ordea.


Lulad had a skin-scribe tattoo her with Vell's name.

During the High Republic Era, Lulad, a human of the Jedi Order, held the rank of Jedi Master. She guided the training of Yarzion Vell as his Padawan. Not long after Vell began his Padawan journey, he and Lulad embarked on a mission to his home planet. While there, Vell chose to honor his homeworld's tradition of marking oneself with a tattoo bearing the name of one's greatest teacher. He enlisted a skin-scribe to inscribe runes on his head, spelling Lulad's name in his ancestral language. Expecting disapproval or disappointment when Lulad entered during the tattooing, Vell anticipated being told to remove the markings. Instead, she requested the skin-scribe to tattoo her as well, using runes to spell Vell's name. She explained that a Jedi Master's most valuable lessons are often learned from those they teach.

Vell looks at a hologram of Lulad.

In the year 230 BBY, Lulad met her death when the Nihil pirates destroyed the Starlight Beacon space station, causing it to crash onto the planet of Eiram. On Eiram, Vell approached Jedi Master Elzar Mann, identifying himself as Lulad's apprentice, yet struggled to discuss her passing. Mann reassured Vell that Lulad was at peace with the Force. After thanking Mann, Vell inquired about the continuation of his training. Mann then introduced him to Jedi Master Kelnacca, who became Vell's new Padawan Master.

Years later, in 227 BBY, within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Kelnacca noticed Vell gazing at a hologram of Lulad. Vell moved to turn it off, but Kelnacca caught sight of Lulad's tattoos, noting their similarity to Vell's. The Padawan then recounted his decision to get tattooed with Lulad's name and Lulad's subsequent decision to reciprocate with a tattoo of Vell's name. Later, after knighting Vell, Kelnacca also got a tattoo of Vell's name. By 133 BBY, as Vell neared his end, his own Padawan, Ordea, felt uncertain about who would complete their training, prompting Vell to share his experience with Lulad's death and speak about her to Ordea.

Personality and traits

Lulad was a human with light-toned skin. She was bald, and her head bore tattoos of runes spelling Vell's name. Lulad firmly believed that a Jedi Master's education never ceased and that their most significant lessons originated from those they guided.

Powers and abilities

As a member of the Jedi Order, Lulad possessed Force-sensitivity and underwent training to wield the Force.


Lulad was usually seen in brown Jedi apparel, complemented by white wrappings on her arms.

Behind the scenes

Lulad's character appeared in flashback sequences within the one-shot comic, titled The Acolyte - Kelnacca 1. It was authored by Cavan Scott, illustrated by [Marika Cresta](/article/marika_cresta], and released by Marvel Comics on September 4, 2024. Before the comic's debut, an article on on July 26 of the same year featured Vell's tattoos of her name, although her identity wasn't revealed until the comic's publication.

