Lykan's funeral served as a memorial to the life of Garl Lykan, a TIE fighter pilot of the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. Lykan, who held the rank of Flight Commander, was killed during a battle that took place in 5 ABY. The funeral took place in the hangar bay of the 204th's bulk freighter, the Yadeez, and was attended by many members of the fighter wing. Captain Armenauth, Lykan's squadron commander from Squadron, conducted the service.
According to custom, Armenauth elevated Lieutenant Nord Kandende to Lykan's former position as flight commander. Following this, he delivered a eulogy for the deceased pilot. However, Colonel Soran Keize, the commanding officer of the 204th, intervened and took over the speech, adding his own remarks about Lykan.
Afterward, the other attendees engaged in conversation. Initially, they were grouped according to their respective squadrons within the 204th, but they soon began to mingle. Lieutenant Darita demonstrated some flight maneuvers, including Lykan's signature move, the Needle, to some of the newer recruits. The pilot Fra Raida offered a small bag of spice to her fellow officer, Lieutenant Yrica Quell, but Quell declined. Quell then departed the hangar, followed by Keize, who sought to speak with her.
The scene depicting Lykan's funeral is featured in Victory's Price, a 2021 novel and the third book in the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy written by Alexander Freed.