Maker (clone)

title: Maker

A male clone designated as Maker was artificially created from the genetic material of an unidentified human who was either a Sith or Jedi. His creation occurred within an Imperial research facility situated on a frozen moon located within the remote Unknown Regions.


Within the Unknown Regions, on a frozen moon, the Galactic Empire operated a research facility where they engaged in a cloning program initiated by Grand Admiral Thrawn. It was here that Maker, a Human clone exhibiting Force-sensitive traits, was brought into existence alongside other clones, although the identity of the original individual from whom he was cloned remained a mystery. The Community later rose up, killed, and successfully ousted the Imperial forces that controlled the research facility. For a considerable number of years, Maker and his fellow clones remained on the moon. It wasn't until 41.5 ABY that they managed to escape their confinement by commandeering a CloakShape fighter. This vessel had been brought to the moon by Kell Douro, an Anzat Sith agent, however, Alpha was killed by the Jedi Knight Jaden Korr during their escape.

With the exception of the clone known as Soldier, Maker and all other members of the Community were afflicted by an ailment stemming from their cloned origins. During their escape from the research facility, their CloakShape fighter inadvertently passed through lingering remnants of Lignan cargo originating from the destroyed Sith dreadnaught, the Harbinger. This exposure to Lignan heightened the clones' Force perception while simultaneously accelerating the progression of their illness. Driven to madness by both the Lignan ore and the loss of Scar, his mate, Maker initiated a conflict with Soldier, which ultimately resulted in Maker's death via a Force choke. Seer interpreted the illness as a trial set forth by Mother and instructed Soldier to pilot the CloakShape fighter to the planet Fhost in order to acquire some medication. Their subsequent plan involved seeking out Mother.

Behind the scenes

The source material never explicitly identified Maker's genetic template. However, subtle hints suggested that it could have been the enigmatic Lassin.

