Malé-Dee was a politician of the human species and male sex who held a position in the Senate of the Galactic Republic during the final years of the Clone Wars. Upon Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine's return from his rescue aboard the Invisible Hand, which was located above Coruscant, Malé-Dee was among the group of senators and other officials who greeted him at the Senate Office Building. Furthermore, Malé-Dee was a part of the Delegation of 2,000, a subset within the Senate that had growing concerns regarding Chancellor Palpatine's actions throughout the Clone Wars.
As a male human, Malé-Dee functioned as a senator within the Galactic Senate as the Clone Wars neared their end. He also held membership in the Delegation of 2,000, a group comprised of two thousand senators who were increasingly worried about the way Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was governing the Galactic Republic.
After the [Battle of Coruscant](/article/battle_of_coruscant] concluded, and following the death of Count Dooku, Malé-Dee was included among the politicians who welcomed Chancellor Palpatine back from his time as a captive aboard the Invisible Hand. Palpatine's arrival at the Senate Office Building was facilitated by a Util-313 speeder bus, and he was accompanied by his rescuers, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Knight Anakin Skywalker.

Within the gathering of politicians, Malé-Dee was positioned to the left of Meena Tills, a fellow member of the Delegation who hailed from Mon Calamari. Once Palpatine disembarked from the shuttle bus, Malé-Dee, along with his fellow senators, moved forward to extend their greetings. As the group of senators turned to re-enter the office building, Malé-Dee engaged in conversation with Nee Alavar, another individual belonging to the Delegation of 2,000. Palpatine stepped forward to address Jedi Master Mace Windu, sharing the outcomes of the recent battle. With Malé-Dee and his fellow senators standing behind him, Palpatine announced the demise of Dooku and the escape of General Grievous.
Being a member of the Delegation of 2,000, Malé-Dee was one of the two thousand senators who put their name on the Petition of 2,000, a formal document expressing concerns regarding the Chancellor's actions. This document also called for the return of the emergency powers, which had been granted to him at the start of the Clone Wars, back to the Senate once the conflict concluded. A single day after Palpatine transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire, sixty-three members of the Delegation were placed under arrest on charges of treason. Whether or not Malé-Dee was among those arrested remains unknown.

Kee Chan played the part of Malé-Dee, making a brief appearance in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The character's identity is revealed in the film's end credits. The character initially appeared in the film's novelization as a member of the Delegation of 2000, where a deleted scene, featuring Malé-Dee and other delegation members addressing Chancellor Palpatine, was adapted. As of the current continuity, both the deleted scene and the novel are no longer recognized as canon.