Nee Alavar was a senator representing the Lorrdian people in the Galactic Republic during the period known as the Clone Wars. She joined the ranks of the Delegation of 2,000, a collective of senators who held concerns about the wartime actions of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.
In the wake of Palpatine's rescue during the Battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY, Alavar was among the senators who welcomed him back to the planet of Coruscant. Subsequently, she participated in a meeting with Palpatine in his office, alongside other members of the Delegation, to voice their worries. Following the formation of the Galactic Empire later that year, Alavar disappeared after being taken into Imperial arrest.
Nee Alavar, a Lorrdian by birth, served as a senator within the Senate of the Galactic Republic. As the Clone Wars unfolded, Alavar became affiliated with the Delegation of 2,000. This group consisted of senatorial figures who questioned the behavior of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine during the conflict, advocating for him to relinquish the emergency powers he had acquired.

During 19 BBY, she stood among a gathering of senators on a landing platform of the Senate Office Building on Coruscant. They were there to receive Palpatine after his rescue from Separatist General Grievous by the Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Battle of Coruscant. After Palpatine's arrival in a Util-313 speeder bus, Alavar accompanied him and the rest of the welcoming party into the Senate Building, conversing with fellow senator and Delegation member Malé-Dee.
Later, Alavar was present in Palpatine's office during a meeting with senators Padmé Amidala and Fang Zar to discuss their misgivings. Given the Chancellor's popularity within the Senate, Alavar and her associates had to carefully phrase their concerns so as not to appear disloyal or treasonous. Shortly thereafter, Palpatine proclaimed himself Galactic Emperor, and the Republic was reformed into the Galactic Empire. Alavar, along with many other members of the Delegation of 2,000, were arrested by the Empire on charges of treason, with the Lorrdian senator disappearing not long after her apprehension.
Alavar was seen wearing a dark blue robe.

Nee Alavar's initial appearance within the established Star Wars canon occurred in the prequel trilogy movie Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, which was released on May 19, 2005. Furthermore, Alavar is featured in a deleted scene from the film, wherein she, along with other members of the Delegation of 2,000 led by Amidala, visits Palpatine's office to express their worries regarding the Chancellor's changes to the Galactic Constitution. The 2017 reference book Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia partially integrated the scene, including Alavar's role, into the canon.
Although the character's name was not spoken in the film, it was listed in the credits. She was played by actress Rena Owen, who had previously provided the voice for the Kaminoan Taun We in the 2002 prequel film, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Owen was asked to return to portray Alavar so that she could be involved in the final installment of the trilogy after her role as Taun We, and she spent three weeks on set, having been flown to Sydney, Australia for a month. The deleted scene was filmed on July 15, 2003 on Stage 7 at Fox Studios, Sydney, and the scene on the landing platform was filmed on Stage 3 at the studio on July 22 of that year.

Owen found the human character of Alavar less engaging compared to the alien Taun We, but she enjoyed being on set and was honored to be invited back, interpreting it as a sign that she had become a trusted member of the film making team. After reading the script for the deleted scenes, she suspected that they might be removed, as they did not directly contribute to the main narrative of Anakin Skywalker. Nevertheless, she considered the group of senators interesting and diverse, and felt that the scenes provided a compelling depiction of Amidala's character.
During the filming of the landing platform scene, she inquired of director George Lucas whether senators were permitted to smile, and was informed that they were. Alavar can be seen smiling in the final version of the film. Before the release of Revenge of the Sith, Alavar made her first appearance in the Star Wars Legends novelization of the film, which was authored by Matthew Stover and published on April 2, 2005.