Mindak, a human male, served the Galactic Empire's army as a lieutenant within the Stormtrooper Corps during the Galactic Civil War. Specifically, at the time of the Iron Blockade, he held a command role among the "snowtroopers," formally known as Cold weather assault stormtroopers. Following the significant Imperial defeat at Endor, which resulted in the deaths of the Emperor Palpatine and numerous high-ranking officers, Governor Ubrik Adelhard placed the Anoat sector under complete lockdown. During this blockade, Lieutenant Mindak received orders to lead a salvage team to recover a Lambda-class shuttle located on the icy planet of Hoth. Ultimately, he and his squad met their end at the hands of the Smuggler, a young rogue employed by the gangster "Happy" Dapp for the exact purpose of acquiring the same shuttle.
The character Mindak made an appearance in "Clear the Way for B9-DT," a narrative mission featured in the 2015 mobile game Star Wars: Uprising, with the story crafted by Alexander Freed and Lori Hyrup. It's worth noting that, despite serving as the final boss in one of the game's core missions, Mindak's in-game representation utilized the same visual model as standard Snowtrooper Commanders.