Between the years of 41 BBY and 32 BBY, Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Padawan, embarked on an assignment. Their mission: to look into a distress signal originating from a mining outpost situated on the second moon orbiting the planet Codia I. The outpost had reported a complete loss of light. Upon their arrival, the Jedi utilized specially adapted macrobinoculars to enable vision. Upon entering the outpost, they came across a mortally wounded individual who, before dying, cautioned them about a rampaging menace.
The pair continued their investigation, and Kenobi was knocked to the ground by a shadow. Jinn, hearing a cry for assistance nearby, went to investigate, instructing Kenobi to pursue the shadow. This shadow turned out to be Rosack Denahst, a deranged Defel miner. Denahst engaged Kenobi in combat, ultimately leading to the Defel's retreat. Subsequently, Jinn returned, bringing with him a thief he had apprehended. The thief confessed to being part of a group that had attempted to pilfer a diamond shipment from the outpost, achieving this by destroying the facility's power core with a non-incendiary photonic charge. The Jedi then came to the conclusion that the photonic burst from the charge had likely reacted with the accelerite present in the outpost's core, generating an unusual radioactivity. This radioactivity would have suppressed the light spectrum within the outpost, thus explaining the darkness.
Escorting the thief with them as they delved deeper into the outpost, the Jedi discovered the corpses of thieves who had been brutally murdered by Denahst. While examining the bodies, they were suddenly attacked by the outpost's supervisor, a Gran who had remained at the outpost to investigate the power outage. Jinn managed to disarm the Gran, after which the supervisor shared information with the Jedi, including Denahst's identity. The Jedi then reasoned that the radiation had likely caused the light-sensitive Defel to descend into madness. Subsequently, Denahst launched an assault on the group, killing the thief before seizing the supervisor. Kenobi employed the Force to stun the Defel, rescuing the Gran, but was unable to reason with the crazed miner. Jinn then used a mining cart to subdue Denahst, enabling Kenobi and the supervisor to proceed to the power core and repair it, although Kenobi was blinded during the process. With the power restored, the radiation was neutralized, and Denahst regained his sanity. The Defel and the supervisor then paid a visit to Kenobi as he recuperated in the outpost's medical bay.
This particular mission was conceived for the second issue of the comic book series Star Wars: Obi-Wan. Christopher Cantwell was the writer, and Luke Ross provided the illustrations. The cover art, featuring Denahst, was created by Phil Noto. Before the comic's release on June 29, 2022, it was initially mentioned in a solicitation blog post on on March 15 of that year, promoting the comic.