The Mission to Hapes, a scheme orchestrated by Darth Caedus in 40 ABY, involved the planned abduction of his daughter, Allana, the Chume'da. Caedus intended to leverage his daughter's capture to coerce the Hapes Consortium into rejoining the Galactic Alliance, after their departure during the Battle of Kashyyyk. Despite achieving his goal, Queen Mother Tenel Ka opted not to rejoin the GA, instead choosing to completely withdraw her forces from the ongoing war.
Tenel Ka, once romantically involved with Colonel Solo, turned her fleet against him, forcing his retreat from the Kashyyyk system, due to his attack on the planet. Her alignment with the Jedi Coalition resulted in a significant loss of naval power for the Galactic Alliance, straining their ability to defend their territories. Chief of State Cha Niathal, recognizing the Alliance's dependence on its allies, tasked Caedus with persuading them to rejoin, while simultaneously dispatching diplomats to the palace. Unbeknownst to her, Caedus's mission had a secondary objective: securing the loyalty of his daughter, the only person he believed remained faithful to him.
Caedus, disguised as an elderly military officer co-piloting the cruiser escorting the diplomats, meticulously assessed the defenses of the Hapan palace, noting with satisfaction that Tahiri Veila's StealthX remained in its previous location following their duel there. This was crucial to his plan, as was the young girl, Tika, whom he had smuggled aboard and who bore a striking resemblance to Allana. As the cruiser landed, Caedus employed the Force to pinpoint and observe his daughter. After confirming her appearance, he stunned the Bothan pilot and proceeded to the cargo hold. There, he opened a crate, revealing Tika, and then dressed her to precisely match Allana's attire.
Meanwhile, within the palace, Tenel Ka and her father, Isolder, decided to send the Alliance diplomats back to Coruscant without engaging in discussions. During their conversation, Tenel Ka noticed a further reduction in the security level. Upon inquiring about the reason, Lady Aros informed her of static disturbances in the security camera footage. Recognizing the signature of Force-flash, Tenel Ka reached out through the Force to locate her daughter, finding her nearby and asleep, which brought her reassurance. Expanding her awareness, she detected a brief, distinct pulse in the Force. Realizing the presence of a Force user within the palace, she accessed a holocam view of her daughter's room. She initially felt relieved to see Allana playing with a toy, but then she realized that just a moment earlier, Allana had been asleep.
Switching the holocam view to the doorway of her daughter's room, she was horrified to find the two guards who should have been stationed there were missing. Drawing her lightsaber from her robes, she rushed past Aros, with her father closely following. Reaching an intersection, she followed her sense of her daughter, moving away from the playroom. As she raced down the hall, she passed a guardswoman with a slit throat and a courtier with a broken neck, before descending through a newly created hole, cut by a lightsaber and concealed behind a curtain. She landed in a servants' hallway and, guided by a lowly server boy, continued in the indicated direction. She sped past a third corpse, a cook, before entering the visitors' hangar.
Security personnel had already surrounded the diplomat shuttle, which was slowly moving towards the inner wall on its [repulsorlifts](/article/repulsorlift-legends], but Tenel Ka recognized it as a diversion. Sensing Allana once more, she rushed forty meters further and saw Tahiri's StealthX preparing for takeoff. The guards cautioned each other to hold their fire, and Tenel Ka moved closer, visually confirming her daughter's location. She was certain that it was Jacen with her daughter. Suddenly, Tenel Ka felt a flicker in the Force behind her and spun around, igniting her lightsaber, but only saw the diplomat's shuttle, now flush against the wall. Her sense of impending doom intensified, and she ordered the entire guard to take cover. She dove behind one of the stone columns in the hangar, and as she looked at Jacen, she saw him offer her a tight smile before pressing a button on his comlink. The shuttle exploded, devastating the hangar, knocking out Tenel Ka, and blasting a hole in the wall large enough for Caedus to escape through. He achieved orbit and jumped to hyperspace.
Tenel Ka regained consciousness in a waiting room two hours later and received a death threat against her daughter if she did not rejoin the Galactic Alliance. She also learned that Caedus had secured Tika's cooperation by promising her a Hapan mother. Tenel Ka chose to withdraw her forces from the conflict entirely, neither yielding to his demands nor opposing him directly. She traveled to the Jedi Outpost on Endor and discussed her options with Grand Master Luke Skywalker. He offered to lead a rescue mission, which she gratefully accepted. The operation proved successful, and Allana was returned to her mother.