A gathering, known as a summit, took place on the planet Mon Cala sometime between the years 235 BBY and 232 BBY. During this summit, the human female Avon Starros was compelled to consume joppa stew continuously for an entire month, as that was the sole culinary offering her nanny droid, named J-6, was programmed to create. Starros developed an aversion to the dish due to this month-long, exclusive diet of stew.
Later, in 232 BBY, after Starros, J-6, and others found themselves stranded on the moon Wevo following the sabotaging of their ship by Nihil pirates, the Dalnan Honesty Weft revealed that joppa stew was the only food available. Upon hearing this, J-6 emitted a sound that the Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh perceived as a hybrid of laughter and a snort, prompting her to inquire about its origin. J-6 then recounted the summit and Starros' deep-seated dislike for the stew, stemming from her month-long forced consumption.
The event of the summit was referenced within the 2021 young adult novel The High Republic: A Test of Courage. This novel was authored by Justina Ireland and released as a component of Phase I of the broader Star Wars: The High Republic transmedia initiative.